Twenty-three Sanhedrists were at Caiaphas' palace ready to judge Jesus, led by Annas. [1]
The Sanhedrin asserted authority over all synagogues, except the one in Hebron which refused to acknowledge their jurisdiction. [2] Pilate's decision to use temple funds for the aqueduct led to numerous riots and bloodshed, as only the Sanhedrin was authorized to release the funds. [3]
The Sanhedrin, highest governing body and supreme court of the Jewish nation, unanimously decided to impose the death sentence on Jesus and Lazarus, in response to his last appeal in the temple courts. [4] Money changers licensed by the Sanhedrin were authorized to operate in the temple, ensuring their gains benefited the temple treasury. [5] The Sanhedrin ordained all rabbis, ensuring their authority and legitimacy in teaching and judgment. [6] The Sanhedrin believed the untaught people to be accursed, but Eber defended Jesus's teachings and mercy. [7] The Sanhedrin closed all synagogues to Jesus, except the burned synagogue at Hebron, which refused to yield to their decree. [8]
The Sanhedrin greatly feared the multitudes as they pondered how to discredit Jesus in the eyes of the people. [14] The Jews were bound in terrible bondage to ritual and traditions by the scribes, Pharisees, and priesthood, far more than by Roman political rule. [15] Some who persecute us knew the truth and rejected it, having no excuse for their attitude. [16] The Sanhedrin's lack of respect for Pilate's dignity led to their attempts to manipulate him with threats of uprising. [17] Some teachers of traditionalism are moral cowards and intellectually dishonest, distorting scripture and withholding the truth from people. [18]
Despite their scrupulousness regarding ceremonies and traditions, the Sanhedrin failed to recognize their high and holy obligations in their plot to kill Jesus. [19] Despite being spiritually blind, the scribes and Pharisees were thoroughly moral when dealing with the woman of evil repute. [20] The Sanhedrin, violating their own rules, convened on the Sabbath to deliberate on Jesus healing a blind man. [21]
The Sanhedrin profited greatly from the sale of sacrificial animals at the temple, where a large commercial traffic had developed around the provision of blemish-free offerings for worshipers. [22]
General resentment against the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin arose among the Jewish people after the synagogues were closed to the teachings of Jesus and his followers, prompting some synagogue rulers to open their doors to Abner and his associates. [23] About Jerusalem temple guards see link.
John the Baptist denied being Elijah, the prophet, or the Messiah, but declared his purpose to baptize with water. [24] Jesus challenged the rulers of the temple by asking them if John's authority was from heaven or men, leaving them confounded and unable to answer. [25]
Fourteen members of the Sanhedrin secretly believed in Jesus and gathered with Jewish leaders at Nicodemus' home to hear his teachings. [26]
The Sanhedrin saw 14 members resign on motion to destroy Jesus, with others ejected for their alleged friendly feelings towards him, achieving a near-unanimous solidarity in their decision to try and condemn him. [27]
The Sanhedrin attempted to publicly discredit Jesus by appointing groups to seek ways to entangle him in teaching and discredit him in the eyes of the people. [28]
The rulers of the Jews desired Jesus' body be thrown into Gehenna, following the custom of disposing of crucifixion victims in open burial pits south of the city, where it would be exposed to wild beasts. [29] Disconcerted by rumors Jesus had risen, the Sanhedrin attempted to suppress and discredit the reports, resorting to bribing guards and soldiers. [30]
Early opposition to Jesus from the Jewish Sanhedrin led to secretive meetings with Nicodemus and eventually forced Jesus and his apostles to depart from Jerusalem due to increasing antagonism from religious rulers. [31] The hostile Sanhedrin condemned Jesus to death and called upon all Jewry to deliver him. [32]
Jesus before the Sanhedrin faced false accusations, endured physical abuse, and maintained a dignified silence throughout the trial, ultimately being condemned to death by the prejudiced court. [33] Members of the Sanhedrin slapped and spit in Jesus' face, causing disorder and confusion during the trial. [34]
Enriched by temple revenues, Annas, the powerful individual in Jewry, feared trusting the disposal of Jesus to his son-in-law, as almost all Sanhedrin members favoring Jesus were Pharisees. [35] The Sanhedrin questioned Jesus in the temple to discredit him before the people, but he wisely avoided their trap. [36] Observers from the Sanhedrin sent to find cause for Jesus' apprehension witnessed the healing of Amos in Capernaum. [37]
The Sanhedrin, consisting of chief priests and religious leaders, held secret meetings to plot Jesus' apprehension on a religious charge, sending spies to gather evidence of wrongdoing. [38]
The orthodox vanguard sent by Sanhedrin inaugurated open warfare against Jesus and his disciples, despite the distinguished congregation at the new Capernaum synagogue. [39]
The Sanhedrin convened at the home of Caiaphas to formulate charges against Jesus for his trial, with thirty members gathered, including those strongly opposed to him. [40]
In the chamber of hewn stone, the Sanhedrin convened to discuss the trial and condemnation of Jesus, amidst the profiteering desecration of the temple by money-changers and merchandisers. [41] Herod in Tiberias defied Sanhedrin's request to arrest Jesus, avoiding political entanglement. [42] The healing of Josiah led to a heated discussion in the temple, prompting the Sanhedrin to convene in violation of their own Sabbath laws. [43] Judas disappeared from his brethren to keep his appointment with the Sanhedrin to betray Jesus. [44]
Lazarus and his sisters were summoned to the Sanhedrin, where it was acknowledged that he had been raised from the dead, but it was ultimately decided that Jesus performed miracles through the power of the devil. [45]
Mary, torn between love and fear, arrived with her family to dissuade Jesus from further public teaching, influenced by the Pharisees' doubts and concerns. [46]
Three of the six spies appointed to follow Jesus confessed faith in him, while the other three were recalled by the Sanhedrin. [47]
During the healing of the paralytic on Friday afternoon, Jesus captivated a vast crowd of listeners, including the six Pharisees from Jerusalem, with his words in the spacious front room of the Zebedee home. [48] Converted spies who joined evangelists intensified Jerusalem's religious leaders' fear and prejudice, hardening hearts against the gospel. [49]
Jesus defended his associates against accusations of Sabbath breaking, emphasizing the importance of compassion and well-being over strict adherence to the law. [50]
The Sanhedrin closed synagogues to Jesus, causing division and resistance among the Jewish people. [51]
The Sanhedrin threatened to excommunicate or even kill anyone mentioning resurrection. [52] All followers of Jesus were cast out of the synagogue in Jerusalem, but Josiah believed and worshipped the Son of God. [53]
The Sanhedrin accused Jesus of being a rebellious evildoer who stirred up the people and refused to pay tribute to Caesar, claiming himself as king of the Jews and teaching about a new kingdom. [54]
Jesus refuted the claims of being in leagues with devils by questioning how Satan could cast out Satan, asserting the kingdom of God had truly come upon them. [55] Jesus was apprehended on a charge of blasphemy, which led to his trial and eventual crucifixion. [56] Jesus, a fanatical revolutionist, taught refusal to pay tribute to Caesar and advocated for laying violent hands on the sacred temple. [57] The Sanhedrin accused Jesus and his apostles of Sabbath breaking. [58] Jesus was accused by the Sanhedrin of traducing the people and practicing magic, as he promised to build a new temple without hands. [59] The Sanhedrin accused Jesus of trying to destroy the temple, based on misinterpretation of his words and lack of evidence. [60]
Herod permitted Sanhedrin to seize Jesus on religious charges during the second conference at Tiberias on May 16. [61] The Sanhedrin feared Jesus' teachings would jeopardize the Jewish nation's existence and social order. [62]
The Pharisees, blinded by prejudice and fear, believe they are doing God's service by seeking Jesus' destruction, showing the danger of being one-sided and overspecialized. [63] The Sanhedrin sought to kill Jesus to prevent overthrow of authority. [64] His zeal for temple reform directly impacted the Sanhedrin's revenues, as the cleansing of the temple affected their pocketbooks. [65]
The Sanhedrin unanimously voted to impose the death penalty on Jesus and Lazarus, in response to their bitter resentment towards Jesus' indictment of the chief priests and Sadducees. [66] The trial of Jesus by the Sanhedrin was irregular and wholly contrary to Jewish laws. [67] The full Sanhedrin sought Pilate's consent for the death sentence, requiring two court sessions. [68]
The Sanhedrin denounced Jesus, seeking to kill him for warning of impending spiritual doom. [69] Jesus grew to love the Jewish people, but held hypocritical leaders in great contempt. [70] We preached glad tidings to the poor and outcast, leaving Sanhedrin undisturbed in positions of influence and power. [71]
Jesus maintained a dignified silence in response to the false charges brought against him by the Sanhedrin members, embodying both patient submission and divine dignity. [72]