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23 members constituted trial court. [1] Asked John the Baptist if he were Elijah. [2]
14 followers of Jesus were on. [3] 14 members resigned on motion to destroy Jesus; others ejected. [4]
Of being in leagues with devils. [5] Of blasphemy. [6] Of revolution; teaching refusal to pay tribute to Caesar. [7] Of Sabbath breaking. [8] Of traducing the people; magic. [9] Of trying to destroy temple. [10]
Asked Jesus whether John was from heaven. [11] Attempted to publicly discredit Jesus. [12] Closed synagogues to Jesus. [13] Desired Jesus’ body be thrown into Gehenna. [14] Disconcerted by rumors Jesus had risen. [15] Early opposition to Jesus. [16]
Anyone mentioning resurrection. [17] Followers of Jesus. [18]
Hostile; condemned Jesus to death; called upon all Jewry to deliver Jesus. [19] Jesus before the Sanhedrin. [20] Members slapped Jesus, spit in his face. [21] Practically all members espousing Jesus were Pharisees. [22] Questioned Jesus in temple. [23] Secret meetings to decide what to do with Jesus. [24] Sent observers to find cause for Jesus’ apprehension. [25] Sent orthodox vanguard to inaugurate open warfare. [26]
Fearing he endangered existence of nation. [27] Thinking they did God’s service. [28] To prevent overthrow of authority. [29] To protect temple revenues. [30]
Unanimously voted death penalty on Jesus and Lazarus. [31]
Asserted authority over all synagogues. [32] Authorized to release temple funds. [33] Highest governing body and supreme court of Jewish nation. [34] Money changers licensed by. [35] Ordained all rabbis. [36]
Believed untaught people accursed. [37] Burned synagogue at Hebron. [38]
Feared the multitudes. [39] Kept Jews in terrible bondage to ritual, traditions. [40] Knew the truth and rejected it. [41] Lacked respect for Pilate’s dignity. [42] Moral cowards; intellectually dishonest. [43] Scrupulous regarding ceremonies and traditions. [44] Spiritually blind but thoroughly moral. [45]
Convened on Sabbath despite rule. [46] Death sentence required 2 sessions of court, Pilate’s consent. [47] General resentment against. [48] Guards. Herod permitted Sanhedrin to seize Jesus on religious charges. [49]
Annas. [50] Joseph of Arimathea. [51] Matadormus. [52] Nicodemus. [53] Simon. [54]
Denounced. [55] Held hypocritical leaders in great contempt. [56] Left Sanhedrin undisturbed in positions of influence and power. [57] Made no reply to false charges of Sanhedrin. [58]
At home of Caiaphas. [59] In chamber of hewn stone. [60] With Herod in Tiberias. [61] With Josiah. [62] With Judas. [63] With Lazarus. [64] With Mary mother of Jesus. [65]
Profits from sale of sacrificial animals. [66]
6 appointed to follow Jesus; 3 confessed faith in Jesus. [67] At healing of paralytic. [68] Converted spies joined evangelists. [69] Experience with Jesus regarding Sabbath. [70]
Trial of Jesus wholly contrary to Jewish laws. [71]
See also: UB 185:2.10-13.