This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
3 resigned during trial of Jesus. [1] Almost all Sanhedrists espousing Jesus were. [2] Asked John the Baptist if he were Elijah. [3] Beware of the leaven of. [4] Jesus’ breakfast with Pharisees at Philadelphia. [5] Kept Jews in bondage to ritual, traditions. [6] Little bothered about Jesus sect after resurrection. [7] Many were honest of heart. [8] Many were tradesmen. [9] Matadormus was a Pharisees. [10] Motives for wanting to kill Jesus. [11] Path blocked by spiritual pride, self-satisfaction. [12]
Ceremonial devotion to own self-righteousness. [13] Did not shun publicity about their philanthropy. [14] Ultraconservative. [15]
Referred to themselves as “associates”. [16] Refused to countenance assassination. [17] Refused to enter kingdom; prevented others from entering. [18] Scribes and rabbis taken together were. [19] Spiritually blind but thoroughly moral. [20]
613 rules of living. [21] Disgracefully lax divorce practices. [22] Human body literally resurrected. [23] Jesus discredited. [24] Paid particular attention to tithing, purification, avoidance of non-Pharisees. [25] Systematic dogmatic theology. [26] Untaught people accursed. [27] Wealth is token of God’s favor. [28]
Think they do God’s service. [29] Went to John for baptism. [30]