The Pharisees and scribes kept Jews in a binding grip of ritualistic traditions, more powerful than Roman rule. [1] Jesus valued the whole life, warning of the Pharisees' hypocrisy but recognizing many were honest of heart. [2] Many influential Pharisees were tradesmen, helping to shape the moral backbone of the early Christian church. [3] The transformed woman is on a genuine search for God, progressing towards an eternal goal, unobstructed by spiritual pride and self-satisfaction. [4]
The Pharisees, who referred to themselves as “associates,” were a progressive group among the Jews who embraced teachings not explicitly found in the Hebrew scriptures. [5] The Pharisees adamantly rejected the idea of assassinating Jesus, despite the Sadducees' proposal. [6] The Pharisees refused to enter the kingdom themselves while also preventing others from entering. [7]
The Pharisees, also known as the “associates,” were a progressive Jewish group that embraced teachings not clearly found in the Hebrew scriptures, like the belief in the resurrection of the dead from the later prophet, Daniel. [8] Jesus confronted morally upright but spiritually blind Pharisees in Jerusalem. [9] Beware of becoming one-sided like the Pharisees who think they do God’s service, as narrowing by tradition leads to blindness and prejudice. [10]
John, a heroic yet tactless preacher, warned the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to him for baptism to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, reminding them that God is able to raise up worthy children for Abraham from stones. [11] The Pharisees asked John if he were Elijah, the prophet or the Messiah, but he denied being any of them. [12]
Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees; focus on the spirit of living truth and the power of true religion for progress and eternal realities. [13] Matadormus, a wealthy young Pharisee, went away sorrowful after Jesus asked him to part with all of his possessions, revealing his love for riches. [14] Jesus' breakfast with the Pharisees in Philadelphia displayed his compassion and teachings on humility and inclusivity. [15]
The Pharisees had different motives for wanting to kill Jesus: fear of losing their traditional hold, belief that he was a lawbreaker, accusation of blasphemy, and anger over his farewell address. [16]
Annas, the powerful and politically savvy leader, wanted to ensure the trial of Jesus remained with the Sadducees, fearing sympathy from the Pharisees, as almost all Sanhedrists who supported Jesus were Pharisees. [17] Three Pharisees resigned during the trial of Jesus, refusing to formulate charges without witnesses or in his absence. [18]
The Pharisees were little bothered about the growing Jesus sect after the resurrection, as it did not interfere with Jewish laws, but the Sadducees took notice and eventually followed Gamaliel's wise counsel. [19]
Man's whole duty is to love the Lord your God with all your mind and soul and your neighbor as yourself, replacing the 613 rules of living taught by the Pharisees. [20]
The disgracefully lax divorce practices of the Pharisees contrasted with Jesus' high ideals and strong disapproval of unfair divorce practices among the Jerusalem Jews. [21] The Pharisees believed in the resurrection of the human body, a doctrine not clearly found in Hebrew scriptures. [22] Jesus discredited the Pharisees' systems of teaching and practice, not the individuals themselves. [23] The Pharisees were focused on tithing, purification, and avoiding non-Pharisees. [24] The Pharisees' systematic dogmatic theology clashed with Jesus' more fluid teaching style, causing tension among the religious leaders in Jerusalem. [25] Eber defended Jesus, saying, “Even though untaught people are accursed, this man speaks words of mercy and hope to the multitude.”. [26]
The Pharisees believed wealth was a token of God's favor, but Jesus aimed to deliver Matadormus from his love of riches, leading him to sorrowfully part with his possessions in his pursuit to become one of the seventy new messengers. [27]
The Pharisees' ceremonial devotion to their own self-righteousness was rebuked by Jesus at the breakfast. [28] The wealthy Pharisees flaunted their philanthropic deeds, even blowing a trumpet to announce their charity to beggars. [29] He was in telling opposition to the Pharisees' ultraconservative hold on the people. [30]