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Absorbed into northern Semites. [1] City-states ruled by apostate descendants of Sethites. [2] Distinguished between inanimate and animate. [3] Dravidian commerce with. [4] From Mesopotamia city state of Sumer. [5] Greatly respected as teachers, directors, and civil rulers. [6] In 5000 B.C. purest Adamite strains in Sumeria. [7] Knew of first and second Edens. [8] Language Aryan, not Semitic. [9] Lived at mouth of Tigris and Euphrates rivers. [10] Made pottery. [11] No city groups able to overcome united Sumerians. [12] Nodite and Adamite origin. [13] Originated 200,000 years ago as full-grown superior culture after submergence of Dalamatia. [14] Used castor oil and opium as medicine. [15]