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8th race to appear. [1] 60 rebel members of Prince’s staff and 44 Andonic counterparts constituted 104 ancestors of. [2] Adam impregnated 1,682 Nodites in second garden to found the Andite race. [3] Built tower of Babel as memorial to Nodites racial greatness. [4] Centers of civilization. [5] Considerable inheritance in white race. [6] Descendants of rebels on Prince’s staff. [7] Descendants settled Crete ca. 12,000 B.C. [8] Dispersion and decline. [9] Elamite Nodites were culture and commerce advocates; Syrian Nodites were nationalistic memorialists. [10] Far superior to Andonites and Sangiks. [11] Garden dwellers destroyed nearby Nodites settlement upon learning of Eve’s default; Nodites retaliated; bitter warfare. [12] Gave valuable cooperation to Edenites. [13] In Mesopotamia. [14] Individuals named. Later some joined Van. [15] Long-headed. [16] Occupied Garden of Eden after default. [17]
Belligerent. [18] Encouraged cremation to combat cannibalism. [19] Established extensive culture in eastern Mediterranean, north Africa. [20] Favored in-marriage. [21] Originally not cannibalistic. [22] Traditional enmity with Amadonites. [23]
Pre-Sumerian Nodites blended with Adamites to become Sumerians. [24] Priests in 1st and 2nd gardens were. [25] Referred to as Nephilim in Old Testament. [26] Regarded man as soul and body. [27] Split into 3 groups after Dalamatia destroyed. [28] Still an able people in times of Adam. [29] Took tree of life after default; did them no good. [30]
See also: UB 77:2.