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1 functions on Urantia as Most High observer. [1] 12 administer Norlatiadek. [2] 12 sit en banc as high court of review. [3] Created by Creator Son and Mother Spirit. [4] Have been cited for error but never rebellion. [5] Historians of local universes. [6] In charge of 2nd Salvington circuit. [7] In emergencies, exercise absolute authority over planet’s celestial beings. [8] In personality registers. [9] Individual Vorondadek Sons in Norlatiadek. [10] Known as Most Highs when commissioned as Constellation. Fathers. [11] Most High observers for quarantined planets. [12] No powers of reproduction. [13] Number 1 million in Nebadon. [14] Personalized Adjusters confer with. [15] Reliable, efficient rulers. [16] Residence in Jerusem circles. [17] Serve as ambassadors and consuls. [18] Work pertains to legislative functions. [19] Wrote Paper 36. [20]
See also: UB 35:5-6.