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7 billion in existence; no more being created. [1] Are wisdom of Trinity. [2] Co-ordinates are Divine Counselors and Universal Censors. [3] Created by Trinity; personify divine wisdom. [4] Directionize batteries of reflective Voices of Wisdom for wisdom. [5] High Son Assistants serve as clerks for. [6] In personality registers. [7] Represent “I was” of judgment. [8] Require complement of experiential wisdom. [9] Residence in Jerusem circles. [10]
As Most High Assistants. [11] On major sectors. [12] Serve superuniverse governments; preside over some superuniverse courts. [13] Train Celestial Recorders on Uversa. [14] With associates and co-ordinates, constitute highest mobile advisory body. [15] Work on individual planets. [16]
Voices of Wisdom, Souls of Philosophy, and Unions of Souls are reflective associates of. [17] With associates, are highest source of truth on evolutionary planets. [18] Wrote Papers 11–14, 20, 21, 26, 27. [19]
See also: UB 19:2.