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Are Vorondadek Sons. [1] At least 3 rule each constellation; each serves 150,000 years; reigns for 50,000 years. [2]
Appoint System Sovereigns. [3] Constitute supreme advisory cabinet of Creator Son. [4] Courts of. [5] Frequently on Salvington. [6] Periodically send out broadcasts. [7] Reigning Most High is Constellation Father. [8]
Exalted in constellation light and life. [9] Faithfuls of Days advise. [10] Gabriel commissions. [11] Have veto power over local system affairs. [12] Intervene at any time in affairs of inhabited worlds. [13] Occupied with groups, not individuals. [14] Overcontrollers of political evolution. [15] Rule fosters greatest good for greatest number for longest time. [16]
Rule chiefly through seraphim. [17] Rule through angels of nation life. [18] Rule through reservists. [19] Rule through Vorondadek observer. [20]
See also: UB 35:6; UB 43:3; UB 3:5.2; UB 43:3.4; UB 43:9.4; UB 50:2.6; UB 52:3.11; UB 97:8.5; UB 134:5.3-4; UB 136:9.6; UB 175:1.8; UB 175:3.2.