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8 billion in existence; no more being created. [1]
Discerners of Spirits are reflective associates. [2] Divine Counselors, Perfectors of Wisdom. [3] High Son Assistants serve as clerks for. [4] Liaison with Deity Absolute. [5] Technical Advisers aid. [6]
Having spoken, there is no appeal from decisions of. [7] In personality registers. [8]
Decisions unpredictable. [9] Represent “I am” of justice. [10] Totaling personalities. [11] Trinity origin; are judgment of Deity. [12]
Residence in Jerusem circles. [13]
Ancients of Days never sit in judgment without. [14] As Most High Assistants. [15] Gain epitome of subject’s life from Adjuster; confirm opinion of Adjuster and seraphim. [16] In highest mobile advisory body. [17] On major sectors, superuniverses. [18] One assigned to each Havona world. [19] Organic part of all dispensational adjudications. [20] Present evidence in superuniverse courts. [21] Retain records of human life as it was lived. [22] Rule as to motivation of person offering advice. [23] Took from rebel guardian angels all soul trusts. [24] With associates, are highest source of truth on evolutionary planets. [25] Wrote Papers 10, 15, 16, 29. [26]
Testimony of. [27]
See also: UB 19:4.