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7 satellites of local system transition world #1, the finaliters’ sphere. [1]
10 days initial liberty on. [2] Andon and Fonta greet Urantia arrivals on. [3] Biological, sex, parental deficiencies largely made up on. [4] Designed to raise survivors to status of post-Adamic dispensation. [5] Gabriel sealed Michael Memorial on. [6] Heaven as conceived by most prophets. [7] Morontia Companions will welcome us to. [8] Resurrection occurs on. [9] Similar to progressive evolutionary spheres. [10] Study of morontia mota begins. [11]
All intellectual conflict and mental disharmony removed on. [12] Development compares with post-Magisterial Son culture. [13] Sea of glass first appears on. [14]
Culture partakes of postbestowal Son age. [15] Headquarters of Mansion World Teachers. [16] Positive educational work begins on. [17]
Culture comparable to post-Teacher Son age. [18] Survivors master local universe language on. [19]
Cosmic consciousness born on. [20] Culture corresponds to early light and life. [21] Fusion often occurs on. [22] Study begun of constellation matters. [23] Survivors perfect tongue of Uversa. [24]
Fusion often occurs on. [25] Status comparable with era beyond initial light and life. [26] Survivors still more or less material on. [27]
Purge of unfortunate heredity, unwholesome environment, and unspiritual tendencies completed. [28]
Directed by morontia supervisors and Melchizedeks. [29] Enormous range of vision on. [30] Far nearer earth life than spirit existence. [31] Finaliters’ world accessible to all inhabitants of by transport seraphim. [32] Graduates become citizens of system capital. [33] Lucifer rebellion prevented Urantians from passing directly to. [34] No longer used as differential receiving worlds when entire system in light and life. [35] Occupied by finaliters when settled in light and life. [36] Planets about size of Urantia. [37]
Atone for sexual or parental deprivation by association with Material Sons, probationary nursery. [38] Brainedness differences eliminated on. [39] Dematerializing, demortalizing spheres. [40] Mortal deprivations and handicaps fully compensated for. [41] Serve individuals who failed to fuse in mortal life. [42]
Racial differences somewhat persist on. [43] Resurrection halls. Transition minister seraphim serve on. [44] Translated souls from settled spheres do not pass through. [45]
See also: UB 47; UB 47:3; UB 47:4; UB 47:5; UB 47:6; UB 47:7; UB 47:8; UB 47:9.