Appreciating the source of salvation and acknowledging the destiny of spirit-born souls, humility before God is commendable in the depths of your hearts. [1] Humility leads to exaltation before God, not self-glorification. [2]
True humility is found in the depths of one's heart before God, not in self-conscious or attention-craving actions which are deemed childish and unworthy of the enlightened sons of the kingdom. [3] God dwells with those who are contrite and humble, guiding and satisfying their souls with love and comfort. [4] “The poor in spirit, humble, are happy, for theirs are the treasures of the kingdom of heaven.”. [5] “Receive credit for Adjuster's endeavors humbly, as a divine spirit pleads for sincere cooperation and patient endurance from the mortal partner.”. [6]
Jesus, in his humble self-forgetfulness, asked why someone called him good despite his profound endowment of spiritual reality and close relationship with divinity. [7] In Yahweh's name, I trust wholeheartedly; I will not rely on my own understanding but acknowledge him in all my ways. [8]
Humility, essential for religious growth, is a normal consciousness of smallness and mortal shortcomings, leading to the pursuit of higher spiritual goals through self-realization and moral determination. [9]
Early humility was not debasement of ego but an attempt to foil and deceive the envious spirits, by heaping vituperation on success to prevent jealousy. [10]
The parable of the Pharisee and the publican illustrates that true happiness is found in humility and seeking spiritual wealth within the kingdom of heaven. [11] Pray sincerely for the extension of the kingdom of heaven, asking God to purge you from secret sins and create a clean heart within you. [12]
“Safety is found when the soul craves reproof and the mind seeks wisdom, leading to tranquility and generosity among enemies and selfishness is like weeds in a goodly field.”. [13] “Sit not in chief seat, but humble yourself and invite the poor and the marginalized to your table.”. [14] The recognition of spiritual poverty and desire for God's will are essential for spiritual progress. [15]