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At Sepphoris. [1] At temple at Jerusalem. [2] Brothel was nefarious place of business. [3] Commercialized vice. [4] Hair worn down was badge of harlotry. [5] Harlots enter kingdom before religious rulers. [6] Hildana’s husband forced her into. [7]
Almost unknown among ancient tribes. [8] Daughter of priest turning to prostitution burned alive. [9] Early men’s clubs paid for women from other tribes. [10] Entered into by women found by grooms’ mothers not to be virgins. [11]
Considered sure guard against calamity. [12] Modification of human sacrifice. [13] Otherwise-sacrificed maidens earned redemption money from. [14] Salem missionaries failed to end. [15]
Jesus introduced prostitutes to Justus’s wife. [16] Jesus refused to enter public baths. [17] Nalda lived with a Greek without marriage. [18] Prodigal son squandered substance with harlots. [19] Sex slaves are disgrace. [20] Women’s corps preached in houses of. [21]