This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Adam and Eve repented, received Adjusters. [1] Cain repented; received Adjuster. [2] Father seeks sinners before they think of repentance. [3] God never stands in need of. [4] Goodness of God leads to. [5] Has led nations to mighty efforts of reform. [6] If sincere, no need to fear judgment. [7] Jesus taught forgiveness without penance. [8] Jews taught repentance was result of good works. [9] Judas said he repented. [10] Love prevents estrangements which require. [11] Message of John the Baptist. [12] Optional teaching for apostles of Jesus. [13] Preach repentance to those who stand in need of it. [14] Publicans and harlots repent before religious rulers. [15] Recognition of evil of one’s ways. [16] Restraint born of. [17] Thief on the cross repented. [18]