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Adam refused to accept. [1] Adoration of abstract beautiful, exaltation of nature is not worship. [2] Alternate with service. [3] Cannot estimate quality of. [4] Consciousness of universe fellowship through. [5] Conveyed to Father by Adjusters, personality circuit. [6] Defense of outgrown systems of. [7]
Acknowledging personal relationship with Creators. [8] Choosing to abide by Father’s will. [9] Communication with God to which mind assents, Adjuster conducts. [10] Divinely creative; self-forgetting. [11] Highest insight of cosmic mind. [12] Highest privilege and first duty. [13] Interchange of mind of self for will of God. [14] Making inner self intent upon God. [15] Mobilization of all powers of personality under dominance of soul; directed by Adjuster. [16] More essential than prayer; deepens reflective powers. [17] Part identifying with Whole. [18] Practice of presence of God. [19] Reciprocal contact with divinity. [20] Sincere pursuit of divine values, wholehearted love of God. [21] Son’s affectionate reciprocation of Father’s love. [22] Spontaneous reaction to Father’s personality. [23] Tuning in to universe broadcasts. [24] Worship of Him who made us and keeps us living. [25]
Father never fails to accept sincere. [26] Given in recognition of loving ministry of God. [27] Good to give thanks to the Lord. [28] Jesus respectful of others’ faulty. [29] Of Father is also worship of Eternal Son, Infinite Spirit. [30]
Admission to finaliter corps after full attainment. [31] Always exceeds preparation for. [32] Conductors of worship. [33] Highest joy of existence. [34] Periodically dispersed by chiefs of assignment. [35] Produces joy and satisfaction in Paradise Deities. [36] Threefold fluctuation of light from Deity abode. [37]
Brings relaxation, illumination, courage, self-understanding. [38] Difficult and time-consuming at first. [39] First, because God is. [40] For its own sake; worship asks and expects nothing. [41]
Atmosphere of communion is beginning of. [42] Group prayer prevents danger associated with overmuch private prayer. [43] Healthful spiritual meditation found in prayer of thanksgiving. [44]
Makes one like the being worshiped. [45] Must be voluntary. [46] Neglect not daily worship. [47] Shuns evil and forbids sin. [48] Worship in spirit and in truth. [49] Worship of nature improper. [50] Worship should be directed to Father only. [51] Worshipful contemplation of God the Supreme. [52]
Animals. [53] Everything imaginable. [54] Fire; lightning. [55] Heavenly bodies. [56] Man. [57] Plants and trees. [58] Political rulers in Roman Empire. [59] Stones and hills. [60] Sun. The 4 elements. [61] What they feared. [62]
Quality of worship determined by depth of perception. [63] Those without Name and Number have superior ability in. [64] Urge to worship not dependent on revelation. [65] Value distortion in worship of wealth-power. [66] Value of beauty in leading to worship. [67] Wisdom is lost in enlightened and reflective worship. [68]
See also: UB 85; UB 5:3; UB 27:7; UB 99:6.2.