This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Andite migration to. [1] Andites from Iran invaded Europe with Andonites. [2] Aridity forced Andites to invent new methods. [3] Barbarians of Iran raided Euphrates and Tigris valleys. [4]
Fire reverence long persisted. [5] Influence on Christianity. [6] Kingdom of heaven concepts from. [7] Mithraism arose in. [8] Salem doctrines in. [9] Sun worship in. [10] Triad gods of. [11] Zoroastrianism founded in. [12]
Dawn mammals originated in. [13] Overpopulation in 15,000 B.C. [14] Persians freed Jews from Babylonian captivity. [15] Remnant of blue race left in. [16]