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Christian leaders compromised with Mithraism. [1] Mithraism similar in appearance and ritual to early Christianity. [2] Mithraism was competitor of Paul’s Christianity. [3] Paul’s atonement doctrine derived from. [4] Roman Mithraic temple became Christian church. [5]
Arose in Iran. [6] Encouraged militarism; tolerant of other religions. [7] Greatly improved by Zoroaster’s teachings. [8] Iranian priests resurrected Mithraism to combat Zoroastrianism. [9] Jesus sought out worthwhile Mithraism leaders. [10] Orgiastic celebrations. [11] Roman legions spread Mithraism over Empire. [12] School at Urmia reopened as temple of. [13] Sol Invictus was sun-god of. [14] Sun worship gave rise to Mithraism in Iran. [15] Supplanted Phrygian and Egyptian mysteries. [16]