This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
12 administered Urantia after rebellion. [1] Activity on Urantia. [2] Delivered planetary custody to Adam. [3] Departed 7 years after arrival of Adam and Eve. [4] Encouraged loyalists to desert Caligastia. [5] Forbidden to interfere with personal plans of Adam. [6] Gave titular authority over Urantia to Van. [7] Plan for racial upstepping. [8] Proclaimed gospel of rehabilitation to Adam. [9] Returned to Urantia 70 days after Eve’s default. [10] Seized authority. [11] Selected Adam and Eve. [12] Thrown completely on their own resources. [13] Warned Adam and Eve concerning dangers. [14]