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All created in same millennium. [1]
By nature unprejudiced observers. [2] Chief aids of Gabriel. [3] Created by Creator Son, Mother Spirit, and Father Melchizedek. [4] Dominant influence on Jerusem. [5] Halfway between God and man. [6] Known as emergency Sons. [7] Life carriers to midsonite worlds. [8] Local universe Sons of God. [9] Not infallible in judgment. [10] Receivers of defaulting planetary governments. [11] Self-governing. [12]
Bestowal of Michael as. [13] Easily make themselves visible. [14] Have never betrayed their trust. [15] Home world is sphere Melchizedek. [16] In personality registers. [17] Jesus held to be priest after order of. [18] Mortals sometimes permitted to see. [19] Nebadon’s Melchizedek Sons are renowned. [20] No powers of reproduction. [21] Residence in Jerusem circles. [22]
12 accompany Magisterial Sons on bestowal missions. [23] All judicial problems reviewed by council of. [24] Assist Trinity Teacher Sons in light and life. [25] Chief serves on Jerusem executive council. [26] Colleges on Edentia. [27] Commission Mansion World Teachers. [28] Direct mansion worlds. [29] Do not interfere with planetary administrations unless asked. [30] Function as mobile advisory review courts. [31] Function directly in mortal ministry without necessity of incarnation. [32] Immediately dispatched to Jerusem upon outbreak of rebellion. [33] In charge of 1st, 4th Salvington circuits. [34] Incarnate when accompanying Avonal Sons on planetary bestowals. [35] Incarnated as humans 7 times in Nebadon. [36] Instruct prospective Planetary Princes. [37] Maintain autonomous intelligence organization. [38] Metamorphic range of personality function, incarnation. [39] Mortals’ foster fathers on Jerusem. [40] Remain with universes of origin in light and life. [41] Schools in local systems. [42] Sent as advisers to Life Carriers until arrival of Planetary Prince. [43] Sponsor Nebadon educational system. [44] Supervise resurrection halls for modified ascenders on Edentia. [45] Teach on Jerusem. [46] Test Jerusem citizens for suffrage qualifications. [47]
Stationary number; 10 million in Nebadon. [48] Teachings have never been contradicted. [49] Technical Advisers aid. [50] Use seraphic transport. [51] Wrote Papers 38, 39, 43, 45, 49, 53, 56, 66–72, 90, 92–106, 120. [52]
See also: UB 35:2.4.