This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Appearance to Jesus. [1] Approved members of Van’s supreme court in advance. [2] Authorized dispatch of Material Sons to Urantia. [3] Confirmed rule of Melchizedek receivers. [4] Consent to executions of conciliating commissions. [5] Dismissed plea by Melchizedek Urantia receivers. [6] Exercise special care over fallen worlds. [7] Imposed quarantine on Satania. [8] Message to Urantia Life Carriers. [9] Ordered internment of rebel midwayers. [10] Seized planetary authority upon Lucifer rebellion. [11] Selected Adam and Eve for Urantia. [12] Sustained Van’s appeal; decision marooned. [13]
Ancients of Days sustained Most Highs in seizure of Satania government. [14] Broadcast to local systems daily. [15] Children of Adam under 20 became wards of. [16] Constellation Father is Vorondadek Son #617,318. [17] Faithful of Days advised Most Highs to allow rebels free course that evil be sooner uprooted. [18] Headquarters on Edentia. [19] Knew of Lucifer’s disaffection 500 years before rebellion. [20] Lanaforge’s message to. [21] Melchizedek revealed Most Highs as El Elyon. [22] Received instructions from Michael while in tomb. [23] Residence in Jerusem circles. [24] Rotation suspended at time of Lucifer rebellion. [25] Supervision over Satania. [26]