The human mind can conceptually approach the eternity-infinity mystery by envisioning an almost limitless ellipse produced by one absolute cause, guiding the universe's endless diversification toward an ultimate and infinite potential of destiny. [1] Infinity is both unity and diversity, a concept that becomes one word only due to man's distance from it. [2] Infinity, capable of self-limitation, holds finite possibility inherent within, expanding mortal comprehension throughout endless careers. [3]
Infinity, existent in 7 Absolutes, encompasses total reality within the Universal Father, Eternal Son, Infinite Spirit, Isle of Paradise, Deity Absolute, Universal Absolute, and Unqualified Absolute, allowing for endless possibilities despite its eternal presence. [4]
God acted to break deadlock of unqualified unity inherent in existential infinity necessitates the eternal cycle of creation, consciousness, and divine action. [5]
God’s infinity provides ultimate assurance for ongoing personal development in the universe, ensuring perpetual opportunities for growth and Deity connection. [6]
It is inconceivable ever to realize the infinite reality integration, as there will always be unexplored possibilities within the three potential Absolutes that cannot be exhaustively experienced. [7]
The Nebadon Melchizedeks denominated the phenomenon of energy transmutation as one of the seven "infinities of divinity," implying a inherent power in energy catalyzers to segment, organize, or assemble energy in unit formation. [8]
Numbers provide the conceptual basis for contemplating infinity, allowing the finite mind to understand that no matter how many are conceived, one more can always be added, showcasing the limitless nature of mathematical comprehension. [9] Potential infinity is inseparable from eternity, while actual infinity is partial and nonabsolute. [10] Infinity is a pre-existential and postexperiential unified reality beyond beginnings and destinies. [11] Segmentation is required for the human mind to comprehend the unity and diversity within the primordial stasis of infinity. [12] Time-space creatures cannot comprehend the infinity of the First Father's divine plans and purposes. [13]
The triunities are the functional balance wheel of infinity, unifying the uniqueness of the Seven Infinity Absolutes and enabling the Father-I AM to experience functional infinity unity. [14]