Mysteries and power evoke deep religious emotions, shaping the evolution of beliefs from fear to reverence and compassion. [1]
Conciliating commissions evolve into explainers of mysterious phenomena, transitioning from arbitrators to interpretative teachers in the Superuniverse Major Sectors. [2]
To understand the nature and origin of Adjusters, we must gather information from 1001 different sources and correlate it to gain informative knowledge. [3] The mind reaches out to discover the hidden mysteries. [4]
The mysteries of the cosmic force-charge in space are associated with the absoluta of ancestral ultimatons from a Paradise origin. [5]
Through Adjuster fusion, the mystery of making God and man one is revealed, as finite creature evolution culminates in eternal unity with the spirit of Deity. [6]
The mystery of the cosmic ancestry of ultimatons remains elusive, even as we comprehend the organization of material creations from the ultimatonic stage forward. [7] The mystery of atomic cohesiveness extends beyond known forces, involving a powerful and unknown energy at the core of proton and neutron interaction. [8] The destiny of finaliters remains a mystery beyond comprehension. [9]
The divine mystery lies in the gap between finite creatures and the infinite Universal Creator, where God reveals divine truth, beauty, and goodness to each creature's spiritual capacity. [10] The secrets of Divinington, including the bestowal and mission of Thought Adjusters, remain veiled from us for our own benefit. [11] The nature of God's suffering remains a mystery, as he may experience it through his eternal nature and fatherly understanding of mortal afflictions. [12] The mystery of whether an idea's pattern occupies space remains unsolved, as we navigate the enigmatic realm of the mind. [13] The mysteries of Ascendington reveal the evolution of a mortal mind into a potentially immortal soul. [14]
We are forbidden to negotiate entrance to the forbidden realms of spirit life where the experiential secrets of other orders of personalities are kept in eternal confidence. [15] The eternal mystery of God's perfection lies in the divine indwelling within mortal minds. [16]
The realization of God the Absolute is a mystery beyond our finite comprehension, involving the unification of the experiential Trinity and transcending all absolute values and infinite spirituality. [17] God's eternal purpose for the universe is executed with divine wisdom and sovereignty, known only to the highest beings in Paradise. [18]
The divine indwelling of mortal minds is the greatest mystery, a profound and unfathomable phenomenon that signifies the eternal mystery of God's perfection. [19] How can non-personal Thought Adjusters choose mortal subjects without will? [20] The mystery of how the Eternal Son is derived from the Father remains incomprehensible to the finite mind. [21]
The mystery of God's immanence and transcendence in religious experience challenges human understanding, requiring theology and psychology to bridge the paradox of finite comprehension. [22] Infinities of divinity guide the transmutation of cosmic force into universe power, a phenomenon denominated by the Nebadon Melchizedeks. [23] Man's comprehension of infinity is a paradoxical unity and diversity that surpasses finite limitations. [24]
Inspired Trinity Spirits can be individually recognized by beings of Trinity origin under certain conditions, assisting in the furtherance of assignments and occasionally revealing their presence, a secret of the Paradise Trinity. [25] The mysteries of mortal bestowals of Paradise Sons are transcendental and veiled in secrecy within Sonarington. [26]
The mystery of the Paradise Trinity is ineffable, with three as one and in one, and one as two and acting for two, as the Infinite Spirit functions as the Conjoint Actor through the Father and the Son. [27] The mystery of personality remains elusive, with its true nature and significance beyond our full comprehension. [28] The personalizations of Mother Spirits reflect the profound mysteries of divine transformation. [29]
The reassembly of personality upon resurrection transcends understanding but will be experientially known through acceptance of the plan of mortal survival. [30]
The mystery of reflectivity on the superuniverse headquarters worlds represents a unique unification of spirit, physical energy, and mind, baffling us with its impenetrable secrets. [31] Physicists of Nebadon struggle with the unsolved mystery of energy segmentation due to the inaccessibility of the Paradise force organizers. [32]
The Infinite Spirit testifies that the time before the creation of Havona is an absolute mystery, beyond the traditional starting point of the universe of universes. [33] Nontrinitized beings lack understanding of trinitization, a secret guarded by high Trinity-origin beings. [34]
The philosophers of the universes ponder a potential Trinity of Trinities, with the Ultimate Father as the key, leading to the eventual realization of the I AM as an experiential attainable for all personalities. [35] The undedicated temple on Jerusem signifies the eternal assignment to the seventh stage of spirit for the finaliters in Nebadon. [36]
The versatility of Infinite Spirit is revealed in the mysterious creation of a being equal to God in divinity and seemingly the most versatile in action, through the activation of the Paradise pattern. [37]
Nothing hidden shall not be revealed, for the kingdom of heaven shall bring all secrets to light. [38] Deities withhold certain aspects of the secret bestowal and mission of Thought Adjusters in Divinington, as it does not personally concern us. [39] Some mysteries, if revealed, would only confuse and handicap beings in their present work. [40]
Only faith can overcome the mysteries that arise when trying to understand the profound realities of the spirit world in relation to the physical minds of mortal beings. [41] Certain details are often withheld from native personalities in local universes, as some things are better kept hidden. [42]
There are no arbitrary secrets surrounding the intimate relations between the Deities and created beings on the seven sacred worlds of the Father; the Secrets of Supremacy remain a mystery to be solved. [43]
Secrecy in societies grants members the power of mystery, elevating them to a social aristocracy and shaping social castes through mysterious initiations and rituals. [44]
The tendency to prostrate oneself in worshipful adoration before mysteries is foreshadowed in the fawning of the dog before its master, leading to the act of sacrifice as a part of religious devotions. [45] There will always be a thousand mysteries awaiting the solution of philosophy, even beside the supreme satisfaction of worship. [46]