Seraphic recorders maintain constant communication between many orders, allowing for a close liaison with intelligence corps and broadcasts that connect them with higher recorders across the superuniverse, Havona, and Paradise. [1]
¶ Originators and keepers of records
- Administrator seraphim. The administrator seraphim oversee the intricate threefold records of the local systems within the temple of records. [2]
- Associate registrars of Morontia Power Supervisors. The associate registrars of Morontia Power Supervisors oversee the records and data of the morontia world, accessible to all personality orders. [3]
- Celestial Recorders. Celestial Recorders execute all records in duplicate, creating an original spirit recording and a semimaterial counterpart, thanks to their unique ability to manipulate both spiritual and material energy simultaneously. [4]
- Chief recorders of tertiary supernaphim. The chief recorders of tertiary supernaphim meticulously document and transmit vital information across the central universe. [5]
- Conciliating commission recorder. The conciliating commission recorder ensures all records are properly prepared for the archives and local universe, with the assistance of the executioner on evolutionary worlds. [6]
- Custodians of Records. The Custodians of Records oversee the formal archives of the Isle of Light in Havona, contrasting with the living records kept by the custodians of knowledge, known as the “living library of Paradise.”. [7]
- Lanonandek. Lanonandek records the custodians. [8]
- Primary midwayers. Primary midwayers act as planetary historians, crafting exhibits on system headquarters worlds to showcase planetary history from the arrival of the Planetary Prince to the age of settled light and life. [9]
- Recorder-teachers of morontia world seraphim. Morontia world seraphim are recorder-teachers skilled in documenting spiritual and physical interactions, instructing on effective fact recording techniques. [10]
- Seraphic recorders. The seraphic recorders are the custodians of planetary affairs across the universes, overseeing both formal and living records. [11]
- Superior seraphim. The superior seraphim recorders maintain constant communication with higher recorders of the superuniverse, ensuring the dissemination of essential information and the efficient management of records. [12]
- Supervisor seraphim. Supervisor seraphim on Edentia act as special recorders of constellation affairs. [13]
- Supreme seraphim. The official recorders for the supreme seraphim are born with fully developed gifts or earn their positions through diligent study and faithful performance. [14]