Conciliating commissions are the traveling courts for minor misunderstanding. [1]
Conciliators do not pass upon matters of eternal import; the soul, the eternal prospects of a creature of time, is never placed in jeopardy by their acts. [2]
If the contention is honest, if the difficulties arise out of sincere differences of opinion and honest diversity of viewpoints, no matter how few persons may be involved, no matter how apparently trivial the misunderstanding, a conciliating commission can always be had to pass upon the merits of the controversy. [3] The members of a conciliating commission are eternally associated as the embodiment of the supreme justice of time and space. [4] Conciliating commissions are “fourth creatures” and discern spirit and matter. [5] They function upon petition of opposing parties. [6]
Commissioners, from stage to stage they are evolving from arbiters of differences to explainers of mysteries—judges evolving into interpretative teachers. [7] Conciliators maintain group headquarters on the capital of their superuniverse, as well as each mansion world. [8] Justice guides commonly appear before conciliating commisions. [9]
In each superuniverse the Universal Conciliators find themselves strangely and innately segregated into groups of four, associations in which they continue to serve. [10] The conciliators are of great value in keeping the universe of universes running smoothly. [11] The conciliators traverse space at the seraphic rate of triple velocity. [12] A conciliating commission and is made up as follows: Judge-Arbiter, Spirit-advocate, Divine Executioner and Recorder. [13] The members of a conciliating commission are never separated. [14] There is absolutely no limit to their authority to call witnesses from anywhere and everywhere. [15]
The exact number operating in Nebadon is not of record, but is estimated in the neighborhood of 100 million conciliating commissions. The last report of registry on Uversa gives the number operating in Orvonton as almost 18 trillion commissions — over 70 trillion individuals. [16]
The actual administration of Urantia is indeed difficult to describe. there are no absolutely authoritative judicial powers operative on the planet—only the conciliating commissions. [17]
A commission has once accepted jurisdiction of a problem, its rulings are final and always unanimous; there is no appeal from the decision of the judge-arbiter. [18] No arbitrary execution is ever carried out without the consent of the Constellation Father, for the “Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men.”. [19] The commissioners’ decisions are placed on the planetary records and, if necessary, are put into effect by the divine executioner. [20]
The Master Physical Controllers are provisionally subject to the orders of the divine executioners of the conciliating commissions but are otherwise solely amenable to their associate directors and to the Supreme Power Centers. [21] Conciliators will not formulate a decision until all the evidence has been heard. [22]
See also: UB 25:2-3.