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Adam and Eve could see. [1] Always found on decimal planets. [2] Classification. [3]
Finaliters. [4] Receive Adjusters and begin Paradise ascent in light and life. [5] Technical Advisers, temporary members. [6] Trinitized Custodians. [7] Trinitized Sons of Selection. [8]
Havona Servitals are like midwayers in Havona. [9] In Uversa personality register. [10] Look upon governors general as planetary fathers. [11]
Aware of humans’ thoughts. [12] Do not sleep or reproduce. [13] Evolutionary creatures, but brought into existence fully developed. [14] Midway messengers bear names. [15] Mortals’ nearest of kin. [16] Not properly of angelic orders. [17] Partake of many human traits; enjoy our humor. [18] Permanent citizens of evolutionary worlds. [19] Similar to cherubic fourth creatures. [20] Sometimes reveal themselves to mortals. [21] Top speed is 372,560 miles per second. [22] Use energies controlled by Master Physical Controllers. [23]
Planetary departure feasible, but midwayers do not leave. [24]
Assembled 50,000 facts proving evolution nonaccidental. [25] Can intervene to safeguard persons of destiny. [26] Custodians of planets. [27] Elevate mortal bodies into atmosphere for fusion. [28] Essential order of planetary ministry. [29] Service of primary and secondary types, continued. Execute mandates of resident governor general. [30] Function midway between mortals and angels. [31]
Announced Jesus’ birth to Chaldean priests. [32] Helped in dissolution of Jesus’ mortal body. [33] Enabled humans to see resurrected Jesus. [34] Exercised limited guardianship over Jesus. [35] Helped turn water into wine. [36] Jesus’ accidental fall not chargeable to. [37] Participated in healing at sundown. [38] Rolled away stones from Jesus’ tomb. [39]
Indispensable to guardian seraphim. [40] Interpreters for finaliters and guardian seraphim in light and life. [41] Investigated marooned decision sustaining Van. [42] Not connected with so-called mediumship. [43] Organized for service with seraphim in 4 groups. [44] Rarely, permit humans to witness their activities. [45] Sense approaching fusion; inform destiny guardians. [46] System director serves on Jerusem executive council. [47] Transported Adam and Eve to Father’s temple. [48]
Spironga on local system capitals resemble midwayers. [49] Trinity Teacher Sons release midwayers for ascension career in light and life. [50]
Direct animal life on Jerusem. [51] Pass through parenthood experience in association with Material Sons. [52] Translated midwayers. [53]
Primary midwayers.
All now interned. [54] Many midwayers lost on rebel worlds. [55]
Secondary midwayers.
Loyal primary and secondary midwayers united on Pentecost to form. [56] Motto of United Midwayers. [57] Number 10,992. [58]
See also: UB 77; UB 38:9; UB 45:3.20; UB 77:7; UB 77:8.