Midwayers are aware of humans' thoughts, discerning the undoubted functioning of the divine mind, but unable to differentiate between Jesus' human consciousness and divine mind. [1] Midwayers assist in parenthood experience, but do not sleep or reproduce, embodying human traits and participating in work, rest, and play. [2] The fully developed midwayers continue to grow in wisdom and experience, embodying both evolutionary traits and cultural achievements. [3] Midway messengers, a small corps bearing names, provide quick and reliable personal communication on evolutionary worlds. [4]
Midwayers are mortals’ nearest of kin, closely related to the morontia cherubim and the morontia companions, who despite being distinct in type, share an equal status and exhibit a beautiful affection for one another. [5]
Midwayers are not properly of angelic orders, yet are often functionally grouped with the ministering spirits of the Local Universes, such as the seraphim and cherubim. [6]
Midwayers partake of many human traits and enjoy our humor, working together in pairs and entering into the spirit of human activities, but do not sleep or possess powers of procreation. [7]
Midwayers are the permanent citizens of evolutionary worlds, providing continuity of planetary administration and persistently working for the progress of their native planet. [8] Midwayers, similar to cherubic fourth creatures, assist in various tasks on the evolutionary planets and morontia spheres. [9]
Certain disloyal midwayers, particularly those associated with Beelzebub, could reveal themselves to mortals, but they should not be mistaken for rebel cherubim or seraphim present on earth before Christ's resurrection. [10] Midwayers can travel at a top speed of 372,560 miles per second, surpassing the limitations of time and space that angels and men face. [11]
Midwayers utilize energies controlled by Master Physical Controllers for their routine work in conveying sound equivalents and extending vision on various planets, including Urantia. [12] Adam and Eve could see celestial beings far beyond the capacity of present-day humans. [13] The Planetary Midwayers appear in the Uversa personality register. [14]
In Havona, servitals and midwayers are elevated beings whose sacred service is valued and respected by all. [15]
The spironga on Jerusem serve as transition servants, much like midwayers on Urantia, assisting in the spiritual ministry and upkeep of morontia creations. [16]
Midwayers are always found on decimal planets and are of two types - primary and secondary. [17] Midwayers, though capable of planetary departure, are steadfastly devoted to remaining on Urantia until granted release by the universe authorities. [18]
The 50,000 facts assembled by the Urantia midwayers prove evolution is not accidental and affirm the presence of intelligent purpose in material creation. [19] Midwayers can intervene to safeguard persons of destiny in material conditions only under specific mandates from their superiors. [20]
Midwayers are the custodians of planets, serving as the permanent citizens and providing continuity in planetary administration amidst the ever-changing celestial ministries and mortal inhabitants. [21] Midwayers elevate mortal bodies in the atmosphere for fusion on presettled worlds without morontia temples. [22]
Midwayers are not an evolutionary accident, but an essential order of planetary ministry in accordance with the predetermined plans of the universe architects. [23] The midwayers are tasked with executing mandates of the resident governor general, overseeing a vast number of angels on Urantia. [24] Midwayers are essential beings that function between mortals and angels, providing valuable assistance in the combined planetary ministry. [25]
The resident governor general, as representative of the twenty-four Jerusem counselors, acts as the planetary father to the United Midwayers and the respected head of celestial beings on Urantia. [26]
Wise men of spiritual insight were informed by midway creatures of Michael's birth, leading Chaldean priests to visit the newborn Jesus in the manger. [27] The midwayers aided in the dignified dissolution of Jesus' physical body, causing fear and panic among the Jewish guards and Roman soldiers. [28] Midwayers and transformers enabled humans to see the resurrected Jesus in his morontia form. [29]
In February, midwayers ceased their limited guardianship over Jesus, leaving his protection in the hands of the indwelling Adjuster and seraphic guardians. [30] Jesus realized the power of the midwayers as they helped turn water into wine at the marriage feast of Cana. [31] Jesus’ accidental fall was not chargeable to neglect by the midway temporal guardians or the guardian seraphim; it simply could not have been avoided. [32] At sundown, midwayers participated in healing at the Master's command, saving souls and restoring health. [33] The midwayers rolled away stones from Jesus' tomb to reveal his resurrected body. [34]
Midwayers are indispensable to guardian seraphim in their work for and with the various races of mankind, being nearer to man in nature and very understanding and sympathetic in their contact with human beings. [35]
Midwayers serve as interpreters for finaliters and guardian seraphim in the stages of light and life, gradually being replaced by new orders of liaison ministers as the planet progresses towards the seventh stage. [36] The midwayers' investigation revealed a marooned decision sustaining Van's appeal, which went unnoticed due to severed communication circuits. [37] The midwayers, not involved in mediumship, serve as unseen personal-liaison associates aiding the planetary reserve corps of destiny. [38]
The United Midwayers of Urantia are organized in 4 groups for service with the planetary seraphim, specializing in messengers, sentinels, contact personalities, and progress helpers. [39] Midwayers rarely permit humans to witness their honorable work as unperceived personal-liaison associates of the planetary reserve corps of destiny. [40] Midwayers convey the impending fusion to destiny guardians, guiding mortals towards their soul-Adjuster union and transition to the morontia level. [41] The acting director of system midway creatures serves on Jerusem executive council. [42] Adam and Eve, transported by the midwayers, were taken to the Father's temple on the seventh day of their time on earth. [43]
Midway creatures are classified with ascending Sons of God, permanently citizen orders, and functionally with ministering spirits of time in serving mortal man on individual worlds. [44]
Midwayers on Jerusem direct animal life for aesthetic and ornamental agricultural achievements, utilizing both animals and mechanical contrivances in the cultivation of the soil. [45] Midway creatures and seraphim gain parenthood experience by assisting Material Sons on Jerusem. [46] There are six translated midwayers in total. [47]
About primary midwayers see link below. About secondary midwayers see link below.
The rebel midwayers, majority joining the Caligastia secession, are now held in custody awaiting final adjudication. More information in the link about demon possession. [48] The interned rebel midwayers are no longer able to roam the world in mischief or possess human minds. [49] Many midwayers lost on rebel worlds were casualties of the Lucifer rebellion, along with a vast number of Material Sons in Satania. [50]
The United Midwayers of Urantia, numbering 10,992, function as a single corps, alternately governed by the senior member of each order, aiding in spiritual and semispiritual work on the planet. [51] The loyal primary and secondary midwayers united on Pentecost to form one cohesive and effective group in world affairs ever since. [52] The motto of United Midwayers reflects their determination to work for the progress of Urantia. [53]
The United Midwayers of Urantia, numbering 10,992, govern themselves alternately under the leadership of senior members of each order since their amalgamation shortly after Pentecost. [54]
Midway creatures, destined for one of the Paradise finality corps, journey alongside mortals on the long ascent to Paradise after being released from their native world during the epochs of light and life. [55]
Midwayers receive Adjusters and begin Paradise ascent in light and life as translated midwayers remain anchored on a planet until the ages of settled light and life. [56] Midwayers, serving as Technical Advisers, consist of both permanent and temporary members with expertise in universal law and supreme justice. [57] Trinitized Custodians serve the Ancients of Days after passing through Havona and attaining Paradise. [58]
Trinitized Sons of Selection are recruited among evolutionary seraphim and midway creatures, as well as Spirit-fused and Son-fused mortals, embraced by the Paradise Trinity and trained in Havona before being assigned to the courts of the Ancients of Days. [59]
Midwayers, after long periods of faithful service maintaining the sovereignty of the Creator Son and ministering to material mortals, are eventually released by Trinity Teacher Sons for ascension into the Paradise ascent with their earth brethren. [60]
See also: UB 77; UB 38:9; UB 45:3.20.