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500 million pairs on Urantia in 1934. [1] Achievement of Seraphington far transcends mortals attaining eternal survival. [2] Angels of local universes. [3] Cherubim and Mansion World Teachers may become. [4] Cherubim, sanobim assist on mortal worlds. [5] Completion seraphim.
Brilliant Evening Stars. [6] Celestial artisans. [7] Celestial Recorders. [8] Completion seraphim. [9] Finaliters are Father-indwelt before admission to Corps of Mortal Finaliters. [10] Paradise Companions. [11] Technical Advisers. [12] Trinitized Custodians. [13] Trinitized Sons of Selection. [14]
Methods of attaining Paradise and eternity. [15] Seraphington is eternal goal of all angels. [16] Sometimes achieve Paradise quicker than mortals. [17]
Directed by System Sovereigns. [18] In personality registers. [19]
Chief of Urantia seraphim. Loyalatia. [20] Manotia. [21] Solonia.
Jesus instructed apostles regarding. [22] Men sometimes permitted to see. [23] Michael bestowed himself as a supreme seraphim. [24] Millennial reunions. [25] Morontia progressors on Edentia are like. [26]
Acquire knowledge, language, as do humans. [27] Can sometimes discern Adjusters’ spirit luminosity. [28] Can work individually, but pair required for communication,. Service on higher circuits. [29] Cannot initiate departure for Seraphington or elsewhere. [30] Continuously engaged in self-improvement. [31] Created but a little over humanity. [32] Created by local universe Mother Spirit. [33] Discern both spirit and material beings. [34] Do not have material bodies. [35] Energy range inadequate for journey from Uversa to Havona. [36] Fairly uniform in design. [37] Have homes, live in pairs. [38] Have individual names, numbers. [39] Have no childhood. [40] Highly individualized personalities. [41] Lowest expression of Infinite Spirit. [42] Neither all-wise nor all-powerful. [43] Nonreproducing. [44] Partake of circulating teachings of Teacher Sons. [45] Positive or aggressive and negative or retiring types. [46] Possess powers far beyond human comprehension – are. Mathematical prodigies. [47] Referred to by feminine pronouns. [48] Still being created. [49] Sure heavenly guides of souls of man. [50] Sustained by spirit energy of primary circuits. [51] Top speed is 558,840 miles per second. [52] Usually retain original complement of being. [53]
Only good results from efforts to understand and love. [54]
Ascending seraphim. [80] Completion seraphim. [81]
Unrevealed seraphim. [82]
Part with ascendant mortals during Havona sojourn. [83]
12 legions attended Jesus. [84] 25% of lower orders lost in Lucifer rebellion. [85] Accompanied evangelists, messengers. [86] Accompanied Michael on morontia mortal bestowal. [87] Announced Jesus’ birth to Chaldean priests. [88] Assembled Andonic counterparts for Prince’s staff. [89] Dispatched messages during rebellion quarantine. [90] Manotia’s loyalty in Lucifer rebellion. [91] One touched, strengthened Jesus in Gethsemane. [92] Opened prison doors for early teachers of gospel. [93] Participated in healing at sundown. [94] Sang anthems at birth of Jesus. [95] Some rebel seraphim on earth up to Christ’s death. [96] Told Jesus to be about Father’s business. [97]
Planetary government. [98] Residence in Jerusem circles. [99] Sacred books portray seraphim as God. [100] Salvington worlds of. [101]
All crave to start at bottom. [102] Cannot understand fear. [103] Delight in service; often minister as volunteers. [104] Do not judge mortals. [105] Have been father to many disappointments. [106] Long to achieve perfection, supremacy of service. [107] Love human beings. [108] Share all man’s nonsensuous emotions. [109] Very near mortals in personality attributes. [110]
Seraphic Corps of Completion. [111]
Attached to finaliter corps. [112] Continually promote circle-making decisions in mortals; work through social, ethical, and moral environment. [113] Director serves on Jerusem executive council. [114] Domains of action. [115] Equally serve series 2 mortals. [116] Essential part of continuing mortal progression. [117] Execute mandates of resident governor general. [118] Forward drafts of ancestry and projected patterns of mortal life conduct to Divinington. [119] Function on spiritual and literal levels. [120] Guardians of destiny. Help Spirit-fused survivors repossess mortal memory. [121] In constellation legislature. [122] Indispensable to reassembly of mortal personality. [123] Intensify existing higher human ideals. [124] Keep worlds in touch with one other. [125] Manipulate circumstances to influence human activity through liaison with Master Physical Controllers and midwayers. [126] Provide undifferentiated morontia material wherewith morontia life can begin. [127] Reserves not inactive. [128] Retain records of human life as it was lived. [129] Urge humans to pray. [130]
Source of idea seraphim have wings. [131] Tempt not seraphim to lead in troublous ways. [132] Training. [133]