This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Adjuster, Holy Spirit, and Spirit of Truth qualify mortals to faith-realize. [1] Full function of personality makes sonship real. [2] Man is child of God only in spiritual sense. [3]
Mortals are sons of God because we have accepted sonship; Michael became one of us; Spirit of Truth has been poured out upon us; Father has given us personality; Father fragment dwells within us. [4] Price of survival is acceptance of sonship. [5] Sonship and citizenship. [6]
Faith and freewill co-operation with Adjuster. [7] God’s will becoming our will. [8] Grace, through faith. [9] Loving neighbor as self. [10] Receiving God as Father. [11] Submission to Father’s will. [12]
Supreme relationship of creature to Creator. [13] To have fellowship, assume obligations of sonship. [14]