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48 symbols in alphabet of Nebadon. [1] 70 symbols in alphabet of Uversa; 1 billion concept symbols. [2] Adamites produced the 3rd alphabet. [3] Blue race used alphabet; red preferred pictorial; yellow used symbols. [4] Celestial artisans preserve thought with ideographs. [5] Cretan Andites wrote ca. 12,000 B.C. [6] Cumbersome nature of Chinese ideographs. [7] Fad formulated the 1st alphabet. [8] Imported to India from Sumeria. [9] Learned classes in China limited by cumbersome ideographs. [10] Lost during confusion of Lucifer rebellion. [11] Peculiar writing of Dilmun, Sumeria. [12] Represent mechanism. [13] Van and Amadon created new alphabet. [14]
Aversion to writing delayed gospels. [15] Left none behind. [16] Used smooth white boards as slates for. [17] Wrote out Lord’s Prayer, Ten Commandments. [18]
Knotted cords; message stick used for early. [19] Originated in early trade records; progression of. [20] Primitives wrote on bark, clay, stone, hides, wasps’ nests. [21]