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1 Morontia Companion to 1000 survivors, initially. [1] Able to see lower spirit associates. [2] Acquire newly adjusted morontia body for each world. [3] Adjuster memory remains fully intact. [4] Advanced mortals exempt from passing through mansion worlds. [5] All are assigned permanent guardians of destiny before leaving mansion worlds. [6] All types fraternize. [7] Almost all survivors fuse on mansion worlds or shortly thereafter. [8] Animal vestigial traits eradicated. [9] Animalistic memories perish with physical brain. [10] Ascenders progress individually but advance from stages by classes. [11] Attain psychic circles. [12] Children who die after receiving Adjusters, but before spiritual choice, live first with Material Sons. [13] Classified as evolving spirits. [14] Communicate freely with Mighty Messengers. [15] Discern Adjusters mind to mind. [16] Eligible to visit new transition worlds as mansion worlds are traversed. [17] First assignment is as assistants to seraphim. [18] First study is tongue of Satania. [19] Initial mortal detention. [20] Intellectual and spiritual development resumed where interrupted by death. [21] Many fell in Lucifer rebellion. [22] Mortal childlessness compensated with Material Sons or at probationary nursery. [23] Mortal life at first seems a vague dream for. [24] Much like angels. [25] Near human; more animal than spiritual. [26] No marriage between. [27] Proceed every 10 days until on world of assignment. [28] Resurrected 7 times; changes effected by system co-ordinators in special temples. [29] Seraphic transports advance mansion world students from world to world. [30] Spirit-fused survivors present. [31] Surrender consciousness in translation to each new mansion world. [32] Surviving mortals become. [33] True personalities emerge as. [34] Upon awakening, see angelic companions of earth days;. Become conscious of Adjuster. [35] Very few children under 16 found on mansion worlds. [36] Will know and be known by mortal associates. [37]