The three creature approaches to Supremacy are through Paradise Citizens, time-space ascenders, and Havona natives. [1]
The three levels of experiential supremacy manifest as personal-spirit actuality in Havona, personal-power potential in the grand universe, and an unknown function of experiential mind in the future master universe. [2] The absolute basis for new cosmic experientials lies in the potentials of existential infinity within the triodities of the universe. [3]
The Almighty Supreme, the deity potential of Supremacy, emerges as the divine personality of God the Supreme when all grand universers fulfill God's will. [4] Ascenders achieve a new realization of Supreme Divinity on the Havona circuit, near the central universe source of time-space unity. [5] The divinely perfect and the evolutionary perfected depend on each other for supremacy in service and destiny. [6]
Master Spirit Number Seven sponsors ascension candidates in understanding the Trinity of Supremacy and the growing sovereignty of the Supreme Being, leading to unity and eventual realization of Trinity reality. [7] The Supreme Being is the unifying result of experiential evolution towards a Supreme Being by the triune Paradise Deity. [8]
Supremacy's growth stems from triodities: the spirit person of the Supreme, from the Trinity; the power prerogatives of the Almighty from the divinity successes of God the Sevenfold; and the conjoining of the power prerogatives of the Almighty Supreme with the spirit person of God the Supreme is facilitated by the ministry of the Conjoint Actor, who bestowed the mind of the Supreme as the conjoining factor in this evolutionary Deity. [9]
The Havona Servitals, created through collaboration between the Seven Master Spirits and the Seven Supreme Power Directors, are involved in certain phases of Supremacy, reflecting evolutionary potentialities of the time-space domains and undergoing transformation in response to the will of the Infinite Spirit. [10]
In their postsuperuniverse careers, conciliators collectively manifest forty-nine experiential insights, each incomplete but mutually compensatory, thereby encompassing the circle of Supremacy. [11]
Primary associators evolve physical energy while secondary dissociators, endowed with unique power, transform matter into limitless supplies of energy in alignment with mandates of Cosmic Supremacy. [12] The overcontrol of Supremacy is not wholly predictable, but may ultimately work out for the welfare and progress of the universes. [13] Residents of Paradise partake of the spirit of divinity and supremacy as they journey towards eternity. [14]
Through evolutionary ascension, the ascendant career has been mastered in step by step progress, leading to the attainment of the goal of Deity where survival is complete in perfection, and perfection is replete in the supremacy of divinity. [15] Supreme Mind unites the power and personality attributes of Supremacy, leading to the evolution of a unified and personal Deity. [16]
Technical Advisers not only provide guidance on legal matters but also assist in interpreting laws for all beings, ensuring they understand how the Supremacy of Deity will react based on established physical, mindal, and spiritual factors, even delving into the technique of the Ultimate. [17]