This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Almost everywhere. [1] Can detect presence of Adjusters. [2]
As Most High Assistants. [3] As superconscious teachers. [4] Can travel from headquarters of one superuniverse to. Another. [5] In outer space. [6] Not part of revealed superuniverse organization. [7] Relationship with Architects of Master Universe and Transcendentalers. [8] Serve Unions of Days in light and life. [9] Trinity-origin beings may employ. [10] Well-nigh independent of time and space. [11]
In personality registers. [12] May in future take place of Solitary Messengers. [13] One of few wholly secret orders. [14] Only Solitary Messengers aware of presence. [15] Possibly more being created. [16] Presence at inditing of Urantia Papers. [17] Solitary Spirits, like Solitary Messengers. [18] Superpersonal expression of Paradise Trinity. [19] Trinity-origin beings can sometimes recognize and employ. [20] Without discoverable form. [21]
See also: UB 19:5.