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Christian concept. [1] Elohim concept in Judaism. [2] Growth of Trinity concept. [3] Lao-tse’s teaching. [4] Philo led way for Paul to restore concept of. [5] Revealed by Caligastia, Adam and Eve, Melchizedek, Jesus. [6]
Emblem is 3 azure blue concentric circles. [7] Finaliters take oath to. [8]
Administration ends with superuniverse government. [9] Attitude toward the finite, the absonite, and the absolute. [10] C.f.: Father, Son, and Spirit acting collectively in Master Spirit Number Seven. [11] Controls spirit designs and types. [12] Created Havona natives. [13] Embodies universal law, sovereignty. [14] Embrace of Paradise Trinity endows recipients with everything finaliters will achieve as 7th stage spirits. [15] Father, Son, and Spirit can function in relation to. [16] Infinite reality absolutely unified in. [17] Is to Supreme what Adjusters are to mortals. [18] Justice administration, cosmic overcontrol. [19] Liberates Father from personality absolutism. [20] Manifests regard for welfare of the whole, not the part. [21] On all total levels, including level of Supremacy. [22] Source of the Supreme. [23] Spirit, mind, and energy proceed from. [24] Unique, original, not wholly predictable. [25]
Master Spirit Number Seven represents Deity attitude of. [26] Michael desired to rule as representative of. [27]
Absolute is impersonal and co-ordinate reaction of. [28] Deity personality demands other equal personal Deity. [29] Existent upon personalization of Infinite Spirit. [30] Existential; infinite. [31] Fills all Deity potential. [32] Has functions, not attributes. [33] I AM is the primal cause and source of. [34] Impartial. [35] Lies beyond understanding of mortal man. [36] Not a person; functions nonpersonally. [37] Only inescapable inevitability. [38] Supreme is power-personality focalization of. [39] Undivided and indivisible Deity union of Father, Son, and. Spirit. [40] Unqualified unity of infinity. [41]
Primary eruption upon personalization of local universe. Mother Spirit. [42] Trinity observers stationed from constellations to superuniverse headquarters. [43]
See also: UB 10; UB 104; UB 0:12.1-5.