Every meaningful value in every will creature is assured of eternal survival by their Adjuster. [1] Your Adjuster counterparts memories of survival value as you ascend the morontia life. [2]
160 million years ago, biologic tribulation eliminated species without survival value, paving the way for the highly differentiated life of planetary evolution. [3] Man can exhibit apparently religious traits while denying God, but godless humanism lacks survival values, God-knowingness, and spiritual growth. [4]
The government, evolving by trial and error, has survival value as it slowly emerges to establish law and order in response to the coercive demands of the struggle for existence. [5]
If intentions of survival value are demonstrated, mortals will be granted additional time on mansion worlds for probation extension to attain cosmic circles of personality growth. [6] In association, enhanced survival value has propelled the progression of civilization on Urantia, despite numerous setbacks. [7]
The love of offspring has undeniable survival value, evident in the sacrificial behaviors of ancient and primitive mothers, as well as the enduring joy and pride experienced by civilized parents in their children's advancement. [8] Every meaningful value in every will creature is certain of survival, for nothing of survival value is ever lost in all the wide universe. [9] The evolution of selfhood with survival value involves transferring mortal identity to the immortal nature of the soul. [10]
The immortal soul emerges through the collaboration of moral mind, divine spirit, and intellect, uniting in a physical tabernacle with cosmic survival qualities. [11]