This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Ascribes urge to be unselfish to material mind. [1] Atheism is maximation of ugliness. [2] Broke bonds of church control. [3] Cannot lastingly increase responsiveness to sufferings of others. [4] Contributed to tolerance, social service, civil liberties. [5]
Betrays man into political and economic slavery. [6] Blights spiritual experience of millions. [7] Godless philosophy leading only to war, world-wide disaster. [8] Terrible destruction of secularism yet to come. [9]
Humanism may be grafted onto spiritual roots. [10] Of Nile Valley never surpassed in moral grandeur. [11] Religion of Jesus will conquer. [12] Thoughtless secularism of man in street. [13] Untrue humanist teachings. [14]