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Derives from understanding, ripens into love. [1] Differences in status essential to development of. [2] Education increases respect for opinions of others. [3] Essential for success. [4] Fruit of the spirit. [5] Gracefully gains victory. [6] Learned in one’s family. [7] Mature person looks upon all others with. [8]
Approach other religions in recognition of common truths. [9] Be patient with those who crave symbolism to mobilize spiritual insight. [10] Cf: inevitable clash between religion of spirit and religions of authority. [11] Cf: peace cannot exist between light and darkness; truth and error. [12] Cf: peace incompatible with assertion of religious authority. [13] Cf: time for open break with religious rulers. [14] Cf: woe upon you, scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites. [15] Each apostle taught own view of gospel. [16] Forbid not strange preacher. [17] Jesus allowed Kirmeth freedom of action. [18] Mistake to require God-conscious men to reject their historic leadership. [19] Refrain from trying to mold believers according to some set. Pattern. [20] Religion of spirit permits diversity of belief. [21] Religionists should borrow best rather than denounce worst. [22]
Show tolerance in living with stubborn associates. [23]