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375 Adamsonites who settled Greece carried most valuable strains ca. 10,000 B.C. [1] Ancestor worship after fall of Roman civilization. [2] Christianity well adapted to current mores of. [3]
Adamic and Nodite stock admixed with Andonite, red, yellow, but especially blue strains. [4] Blend of blue race, Andites. [5] More Nodite than original Andonite strain in. [6] Too much blending to permit analysis by divisions. [7]
Alpine race; predominantly Andonite with blue, yellow, and Andite stocks; broad-headed, swarthy, stocky. [8]
Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian, German peoples. [9] Considerably less than 1/8 Adamic blood. [10] Early Nordic was long-headed, tall, blond. [11] Encompassed most desirable human stocks. [12] Made up from blue, Andite, and Andonite stocks, plus some red and yellow; long-heads. [13]
Basques and Berbers; highly mixed, comprised of Andite, blue man, Andonite, secondary Sangiks; short, long-headed, brunet. [14]
Dominant in northern Europe by 5000 B.C. [15] Energetic builders. [16] Final color is olive shade of violet. [17] Killed off bison in North America. [18] Landed in America 1000 years ago. [19] Most advanced social development on Urantia. [20] Restless, exploratory curiosity due to Andite inheritance. [21] Unifying factor is Andite inheritance. [22]
See also: UB 80:9.