This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Danger of losing sense of proportion as to one’s. [1] Death inescapable when self-concepts fully displace Adjuster governance. [2] Exhausts, not effort to achieve. [3] Filthy rags of self-righteousness. [4] He who speaks for himself seeks his own glory. [5] Higher spiritual orders do not look down on lower. [6] Humor helps avoid overdeveloped notion of. [7]
Exaggerated ideas of. [8] Heart set on self-exaltation. [9] Resentful his abilities unrecognized. [10]
Lucifer and Caligastia’s feelings of. [11] Parental overloving injuriously exalts child’s sense of. [12] Pharisees filled with self-righteousness. [13] Self-admiration tends towards exploitation of others. [14] Self-contemplation is most disastrous. [15] Self-exaltation causes one to be humbled. [16] Self-respect is not self-admiration. [17] Spiritual greatness incompatible with self-exaltation. [18] The first shall be last. [19] Trials of life must first prepare the self-satisfied. [20] Work is important, self is not. [21]