This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Believed commonplace in times of Jesus. [1] Believed performed by recognized gods, not by magic. [2]
Abridgments of time. [3] Impossible except in accordance with Father’s will. [4] Operation of laws beyond our understanding. [5] Done in response to living faith. [6]
Incarnations of Paradise Sons are. [7] Jesus was only founder of religion who performed. [8]
Call forth only outward allegiance. [9] Do nothing to reveal Father. [10] If Moses not listened to, even rising from dead would not persuade unbelievers. [11] Kingdom cannot be built upon miracles. [12] No so-called miracles prove reality of God. [13] Resurrection of Lazarus only hardened disbelievers’ hearts. [14]
Men enshroud human leaders with supernatural origins, miraculous careers. [15] Modern men believe in miracles like primitives did in magic. [16] Night will come when it will be impossible to do miracles. [17] Our ignorance of higher laws makes natural laws appear to have been suspended. [18] Place in evolution of religious observances. [19] Primitive belief in natural wonders, impersonal mana. [20] Quest for miracles harks back to magic. [21] Refrain from teaching the sick to expect. [22]