This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Approached Jesus with small basket. [1] Associated with Peter; later, Paul. [2] At Jesus’ appearances. [3] Boy of all chores. [4] Death of father. [5] Desire of heart not denied. [6] Did not hold stringent ideas about divorce. [7] Dressed fish for resurrected Jesus. [8] Escaped from soldier naked. [9]
Basis of all subsequent Gospel narratives; changed. [10] Completed in A.D. 68; is really Gospel by Peter. [11] Included Selta apocrypha. [12] Jesus’ avoidance of writing delayed. [13] Left out part of Peter’s night vision. [14] Luke had copy of. [15] Retains something of human Jesus. [16]
Had loaves and fishes which fed the 5000. [17] Hid in shed by olive press. [18] Joined apostles. [19] Kept apostles in touch. [20] Knew Judas intended to betray Jesus. [21] Last Supper was in upper chamber of parents’ home. [22] Located Thomas in Bethphage. [23] Overheard all that transpired in Gethsemane. [24] Parents were Elijah and Mary Mark. [25] Rest day with Jesus. [26] Walked around lake with Jesus. [27]
See also: UB 152:3.3; UB 176:2.9; UB 178:3.6; UB 188:3.2; UB 193:6.1.