This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Acknowledgments by. [1] Book is composite presentation by many beings. [2] Could not perceive building in which Urantia Papers were translated and recorded. [3] Disagreement regarding Urmia lectures. [4] Divine Counselors are highest source on evolutionary worlds. [5] Mandated by Ancients of Days. [6] Midwayers contributed story of Jesus’ life. [7] Named in Table of Contents. Orvonton commission. [8] Part I sponsored by a Uversa revelatory corps. [9] Parts II and III sponsored by Nebadon revelatory corps. [10] Part IV sponsored by 12 Urantia midwayers. [11] Secondary midwayers initiated Urantia Papers. [12]
Almost complete indifference to outward Adjuster manifestations. [13] Destiny guardian’s number. [14] Midwayers employed. [15]
Effort to describe God would be futile except for Adjusters, Spirit of Truth. [16] Foreword is definitive guide only for Part I. [17] Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John used in Part IV. [18]
Cosmology not inspired. [19] Historical facts accurate, but scientific discoveries not anticipated. [20] Limited by planetary quarantine, system isolation. [21] Mandates governing disclosure. [22] Only what pertains to mortal ascension is revealed. [23] Reveal only glimpse of our superuniverse in present universe age. [24]
Arbitrary, meaningless designations avoided. [25] Early history taken from Jerusem archives. [26] Preference given to highest existing human concepts; modern phraseology. [27] Present-day calendar used. [28] Proceed from highest concepts. [29] Proclaim whole truth of gospel, not just part. [30] Revelators instructed to use English. [31] Translation and recording. [32]
Solitary Messenger and Inspired Trinity Spirits present at inditing. [33]
Before printing, Master’s teaching misinterpreted. [34] Eternal adventure should be supreme study. [35] Expands cosmic consciousness, spiritual perception. [36] First revelation of Trinity since times of Jesus. [37] Great hope for Urantia lies in new revelation of Jesus. [38] Hour is striking for rediscovery of real life and teachings of Jesus. [39] Is 5th epochal revelation, most recent presentation of truth. [40] Presents Jesus to church that bears his name. [41] Recital of events by those who saw what occurred. [42] Reveal truth about God and our Creator Son. [43]