This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Cup given to a thirsty soul. [1] Jesus never walked on. [2] Jesus turned water into wine. [3] Morontia plants require. [4] Of architectural spheres no different from water of evolutionary planets. [5] One drop contains 1 billion trillion atoms; energy of 100 horsepower for 2 years. [6] Present on all evolutionary planets if not too small. [7] Prince’s staff included cleansing with water as purification ceremony. [8]
Best means of resisting ghosts. [9] Early fetish. [10] Potent fetish in treating disease; ancients enjoyed hot springs. [11]
Symbolized divine spirit for Jews. [12] Understanding water molecule should have prevented theory of materialism. [13] Union with God not like drop of water in ocean. [14] Water holes were among first private possessions. [15] Worship of. [16] Young Jesus contemplated 3 forms of water. [17]