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“Get you behind me, Satan.”. [1] How can Satan cast out S.? [2] Issued Lucifer Manifesto on sea of glass. [3] Jesus was accused of doing miracles by power of. [4] Judas’s betrayal had S.’s full approval. [5] Lucifer’s first lieutenant. [6] Made fully visible to Jesus on Mount Hermon; represented Lucifer. [7] Primary Lanonandek of great brilliance. [8]
Ancients of Days allowed Satan to visit apostate princes. [9] Fell as lightning from heaven. [10] Freely roamed Satania until completion of Michael’s bestowal. [11] Now detained on Jerusem prison worlds. [12] Sought to attend Edentia conclave. [13] Sympathy for Satan perished after attempt to corrupt Michael on Urantia. [14]
Visited Caligastia prior to rebellion. [15]