This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Almost wholly self-governing. [1] At first, 1 for each 1000 survivors. [2] Beautiful, versatile, and companionable guides. [3] In personality registers. [4] Matter of chance whether morontia progressor receives aggressive or retiring type. [5] Not assigned permanently to individuals. [6] Not indispensable; Morontia Companions are a personality luxury of ascenders’ local universe career. [7] Number 70 billion in Nebadon. [8] Offspring of Mother Spirit. [9] Serve exclusively in local universes, from mansion worlds to Salvington. [10]
Gracious hosts; ever with surviving mortals in local universe. [11] Skillful play sponsors. [12] Supervise Mansion World Teachers. [13] Supreme in management of morontia affairs. [14]
Thousands lost in Lucifer rebellion. [15] Trained by and serve under Melchizedeks. [16]
Aggressive and retiring types. [17] Very close kin to humans. [18] Will always be Morontia Companions. [19]