They are annotated in personality registers. [1] They are count among Supreme Creators. [2] Son Supreme Trinity personalities. [3] Three of them rule each superuniverse, and as there are seven superuniverses, 21 Ancients of Days exists. [4] These beings constitute the second level of God the Sevenfold leading inward to the Universal Father. [5] The Ancients of Days are the most powerful and mighty of any of the direct rulers of the time-space creations. [6]
Apparently they are the supreme rulers of the superuniverses; but they have not experientially earned this right to rule and are therefore destined sometime to be superseded by the Supreme Being, an experiential sovereign, whose vicegerents they will undoubtedly become. [7]
Eternals of Days are close of kin to, and are the divine equals of, the Ancients of Days, who preside over the destinies of the seven supergovernments. [8]
The Seven Master Spirits are unlike in nature and attributes, but the Ancients of Days are all uniform and superperfect offspring of the Paradise Trinity. [9] They possess individuality and are in personality diverse, but they do not differ from each other as do the Seven Master Spirits. [10]
To deduce the will of one of the Gods from a knowledge of the other two, the three Ancients of Days must act together; two would not be able to achieve the answer. [11]
The Ancients of Days perfectly deduce the Father’s will by equating the Spirit voice-flash from above and the Michael voice-flashes from below, by reflectivity. [12]
From their vantage point midway between Paradise and the evolving worlds, these Trinity-origin sovereigns, by reflectivity, see both ways, know both ways, and co-ordinate both ways. [13]
They superimpose administrative uniformity on creative diversity and insure the harmony of the whole in the face of the underlying creational differences of superuniverses. [14] Ancients of Days have some part in the inauguration of life on a new world, but we are wholly ignorant of the nature thereof. [15]
The threefold order of Life Carriers is brought into being by a Creator Son and Creative Spirit associated with one of the three Ancients of Days of the superuniverse of jurisdiction. [16] The Ancients of Days and the Seven Master Spirits are probably eternally fixed as permanent administrators in the grand universe. [17] Primary seconaphim reflect minds of Ancient of Days. [18] They send advisers to worlds in light and life. [19] Tertiaphim are dedicated to the liaison service of the Creator Sons and the Ancients of Days. [20] The trinitization of the 21 Ancients of Days is first written record we will find in Paradise. [21] Trinitized Sons of Selection are assigned to the courts of the Ancients of Days. [22] There exists unrevealed creative agencies of Ancients of Days. [23] They use of Reflective Image Aids so Reflective Spirits can communicate with them. [24] They use bountifully Solitary Messengers to communicate directly and personally with other superuniverses. [25]
The personal abodes of each trio of the Ancients of Days are located at the point of spiritual polarity on their headquarters sphere. [26]
They never personally leave their residential worlds, but then they do not have to, for these worlds are the superuniverse focal points of the far-flung reflectivity system. [27]
When mortals of time graduate from the training worlds of a local universe and are advanced to the educational spheres of their superuniverse, they are able to recognize and communicate with the high spiritual rulers, including the Ancients of Days. [28]
They are who accredit mortals for Son-fusion when Father-fusion has failed. [29]
Celestial Guardians are the apprehending agents of the Ancients of Days; they go forth from Uversa to bring back beings whose presence is required before the superuniverse judges; they execute the mandates for the detention of any personality in the superuniverse. [30]
In some cases, Ancients of Days flash forth the mandate of advanced standing over the communication circuits to Salvington, and, thus released, the tribunals of the Sovereign of Nebadon will decree the immediate passage of the surviving soul to the resurrection. [31]
They have never reversed the verdict of a tribunal of Trinity divinity, that is constitutes by a Perfector of Wisdom, seven Divine Counselors, and one Universal Censor. [32] The courts of the Ancients of Days are the high review tribunals for the spiritual adjudication of all component universes. [33]
In all the vast universe of universes they alone are invested with the high powers of final executive judgment concerning the eternal extinction of will creatures. [34] Judgment belongs to the Ancients of Days, the rulers of the superuniverse. [35] They do not sit in judgment except in association with the Universal Censors. [36]
There is no appeal from the rulings and decisions of the superuniverse authorities since they represent the concurred opinions of the Ancients of Days and that Master Spirit who, from Paradise, presides over the destiny of the superuniverse concerned. [37] They are personifications of Trinity justice-judgment in time and space. [38]
The Ancients of Days refuse to annihilate any being until all moral values and all spiritual realities are extinct, both in the evildoer and in all related supporters and possible sympathizers. [39] They seldom execute wrongdoers without a full hearing. [40]
Trinitized Custodians, Trinity-embraced seraphim and midwayers, are the officers of the courts of all three divisions, functioning in the tribunals of the Ancients of Days. [41]
There is no appeal from the rulings and decisions of the superuniverse authorities since they represent the concurred opinions of the Ancients of Days and that Master Spirit who, from Paradise, presides over the destiny of the superuniverse concerned. [42]
Ancient of Days is a semite appellation of Deity. [43] In the Bible it appears mentioned in Daniel book: Dn 7:9-10. [44]
See also: UB 15:0.2; UB 15:2.8; UB 15:10.3; UB 18:3.