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Adjuster cannot lessen hardships. [1] An inevitability. [2] Avoid mere fellowship in misery. [3] Awful moments that bear down with crushing cruelty. [4] Believers sustained by hope; are uncomplaining when faced by inescapable hardships. [5]
Compensations for tribulation. Essential to progressive evolution. [6] Greatest affliction is never to have been afflicted. [7] Many will enter kingdom only with much suffering. [8] May be tempering fire transmuting soft iron into tempered steel of real character. [9] Purpose of affliction. [10] There is correction in suffering. [11] Trials reveal man’s soul. [12] Wisdom only learned through experiencing tribulation. [13]
Discourse on Job. [14] Does God experience suffering? [15] Experience less suffering by making fewer plans for others. [16] From accidents, imperfection, and sin. [17] In all our afflictions God is afflicted. [18] Is transient. [19] Jesus endured great. [20] Let decisions favor those in undeserved suffering. [21] Man should not blame God for affliction he brings upon himself. [22] Much results from misdeeds of Caligastia, Adam. [23] Nebadon being forged under hammer of. [24] Noble truths of suffering in Buddhism. [25] Not sent as arbitrary punishment for wrongdoing. [26] Permian was era of biologic tribulation. [27] Primitive tribes experienced. [28] Savages believed spirits derived satisfaction from seeing. [29] Shamanic theories of. [30] When suffering, rest in unassailable citadel of spirit. [31]