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161,432,840 in Nebadon; constantly increasing. [1] As ascending sons. [2] Bestowal of Michael as. [3] Creator Sons incarnate in group with most Adamic inheritance. [4]
681,227, or 681,217, lost in rebellion in Satania, 95% in Lucifer rebellion. [5] Become mortal upon failure or default. [6] Default on neighboring planet. [7] Hundreds involved in Lucifer rebellion have been rehabilitated. [8]
Finaliter-Material Sons pairs far more successful in trinitizing. [9] Invariably leaders when attached to finaliter companies; pair functions as one personality. [10] May petition to become ascenders. [11] Receive Thought Adjusters after planet of service is in light and life. [12] Release from planetary duties in light and life; ascend to Paradise, Corps of Mortal Finaliters. [13] Remain on planet of assignment throughout its evolutionary course. [14] Some who defaulted enter Corps of Mortal Finaliters. [15]
Do not possess Adjusters. [16] Eves differ from Adams only in reproductive nature; Material Sons serve in pairs. [17] In personality registers. [18] Mother Eves of midsonite worlds. [19]
Children who die after receiving Adjusters but before age of spiritual choice live with Material Sons. [20] Creator Son produces only 1 pair in each local system; all others descend from them. [21] Dematerializing sector on Jerusem. [22] Each pair lives on vast and beautiful estate on Jerusem. [23] Highest type of sex-reproducing beings. [24] Melchizedeks teach. [25] Not dependent on trees of life. [26] Original Material Son serves on Jerusem executive council. [27] Permanent citizens of system capitals; dominant influence. [28] Portray ideals of marriage. [29] Probationary nursery supervised by 1000 couples of. [30] Representative self-government among. [31] Sponsor survivors after attaining Jerusem citizenship. [32] Survivors without parental experience qualify with. [33] Travel at 500 miles/hour. [34]
100,000 angels initially accompany. [35] 100,000 planetary helper seraphim accompany. [36] Acquire capacity for Adjuster indwelling. [37] Adams and Eves. [38] Become accepted as common ancestors of mankind. [39] Chief business is to multiply and biologically uplift children of time. [40] Connecting links between spiritual and physical worlds. [41] Contribute life plasm to evolving races. [42] Dematerialized for transport to assigned world. [43] Dependent for continuing life on unbroken intellectual synchrony with cosmic energies, mind-gravity circuit. [44] Dispatched and directed by System Sovereign. [45] Dispatched when human biologic evolution attains highest level. [46] Dual circulatory systems, from physical nature and from tree of life. [47] Engraft higher forms of life on primitive men. [48] Life Carriers restore to life upon arrival. [49] No immediate breeding of children with mortals. [50] No technique for leaving world during evolutionary ages. [51] Not intended personally to mate with humans; their progeny do. [52] Planetary children’s decreasing longevity. [53] Promote sex equality. [54] Purge detrimental genetic potential. [55] Schools devoted to practical arts, economic development, government. [56] United administration with Planetary Princes. [57] Visible rulers of worlds settled in light and life. [58] Young Material Sons brought from system to assist ruling Adam and Eve in light and life. [59]
Can see, understand, and procreate with mortals. [61] Can see Planetary Princes and staff. [62] Enjoy dual nutrition; do not eat meat. [63] Height 8–10 feet; bodies glow with violet light. [64]
Since Michael’s bestowal as a M.S., none have knowingly joined in rebellion. [65] Transit of. [66] Upstepping by Material Sons prepares for Spirit of Truth. [67]
See also: UB 51; UB 45:5; UB 51:3; UB 52:3.