This page has not been revised yet and it is not completed in a first version. It is only a summarized placeholder for the final version.
Fringe of conflict must be traversed. [1] Religion sorts, evaluates, and adjusts all problems. [2]
Best method of solving some problems is to forsake them for a time. [3] First locate difficulty, recognize nature and gravity. [4] Jesus attacked problems just as he found them. [5] Jesus mobilized all powers to solve problems, with patience. [6] Mind must be free from personal prejudices. [7] Prayer is technique for adjustment of problems. [8] Use moral power and spiritual energy. [9] Value of worshipful meditation in solving problems. [10]
Augments self-realization. [11] Creators and creatures united by experience of. [12] Difficulties must be encountered for growth of soul. [13] More difficult problems allow larger opportunity to acquire experience in solution. [14] Validate prayers by facing one’s problems. [15] Worshipful problem solving fosters spiritual growth. [16]