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7 worlds, each directed by 10 Trinitized Secrets of Supremacy. [1] Contain personality secrets. [2] Each sphere has specialized manifestation of Deities. [3] Each world different in physical constitution. [4] Equal to Paradise in beauty. [5] Exist on transcendental level. [6] Innermost of 3 circuits. [7] Named. Natives, in personality register. [8] Only forbidden domains concerned with personality. [9] Personal communion with Father on. [10] Reflect spiritual luminosity throughout Paradise and Havona. [11] Reunion spheres, permanent cosmic addresses. [12] Status acquired by service as well as origin. [13] Ultimate status spheres for all Father-endowed personalities. [14]
7 worlds of pure-spirit existence. [15] Alike in physical constitution. [16] Personality not present on. [17] Second of 3 circuits. [18] Source of threefold light of Paradise and Havona. [19]
7 Master Spirits conduct operations from. [20] 7 worlds, inhabited by offspring of Infinite Spirit and trinitized sons. [21] All personalities pass through, going to and from Paradise. [22] Always open to all beings. [23] Associate Circuit Supervisors stationed on. [24] Central personality registries for all children of Infinite Spirit. [25] Each world different in physical constitution. [26] Great conclaves take place on. [27] Havona, but not Paradise, bathed in spiritual illumination of. [28] Natives of, in personality register. [29] Outermost of 3 circuits. [30] Reserves of Census Directors stationed on. [31]
21 enormous eternal spheres in 3 circuits rotating clockwise between Paradise and Havona. [32] Embrace potentials of master universe function. [33] Material constitution of unrevealed order. [34]
See also: UB 13; UB 13:1; UB 6:6.4; UB 13:3; UB 13:0.5; UB 13:4.