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Oversættelser: © 2015 Urantia Foundation
1955 183:0.1 AFTER Jesus had finally awakened Peter, James, and John, he suggested that they go to their tents and seek sleep in preparation for the duties of the morrow. But by this time the three apostles were wide awake; they had been refreshed by their short naps, and besides, they were stimulated and aroused by the arrival on the scene of two excited messengers who inquired for David Zebedee and quickly went in quest of him when Peter informed them where he kept watch.
2015 183:0.1 DA han endelig fik Peter, James og Johannes til at vågne op, foreslog han, at de skulle gå til deres telte og forsøge at sove for at være klar til morgenens opgaver. Men på dette tidspunkt var de tre apostle helt vågen. De var forfrisket af deres korte lur og desuden blev de stimuleret og genoplivet af at to ophidsede budbringere ankom på scenen og spurgte efter David Zebedæus, og hurtigt gik i søgen efter ham, da Peter fortalte dem, hvor han holdt vagt.
1955 183:0.2 Although eight of the apostles were sound asleep, the Greeks who were encamped alongside them were more fearful of trouble, so much so that they had posted a sentinel to give the alarm in case danger should arise. When these two messengers hurried into camp, the Greek sentinel proceeded to arouse all of his fellow countrymen, who streamed forth from their tents, fully dressed and fully armed. All the camp was now aroused except the eight apostles. Peter desired to call his associates, but Jesus definitely forbade him. The Master mildly admonished them all to return to their tents, but they were reluctant to comply with his suggestion.
2015 183:0.2 Selvom otte af apostlene sov dybt, var grækerne, der havde slået lejr ved siden af dem, mere bange for uro, så meget, at de havde sat en vagtpost, der ville advare dem, hvis faren opstod. Da disse to budbringere skyndte sig ind lejren, begyndte den græske vagt at vække alle sine landsmænd, der fuldt påklædt og fuldt bevæbnet stormede ud af deres telte. Hele lejren var nu vågen, med undtagelse af de otte apostle. Peter ønskede at kalde på hans medarbejdere, men Jesus forbød ham absolut. Mesteren opfordrede dem alle forsigtigt til at vende tilbage til deres telte, men de var tilbageholdende med at følge hans forslag.
1955 183:0.3 Failing to disperse his followers, the Master left them and walked down toward the olive press near the entrance to Gethsemane Park. Although the three apostles, the Greeks, and the other members of the camp hesitated immediately to follow him, John Mark hastened around through the olive trees and secreted himself in a small shed near the olive press. Jesus withdrew from the camp and from his friends in order that his apprehenders, when they arrived, might arrest him without disturbing his apostles. The Master feared to have his apostles awake and present at the time of his arrest lest the spectacle of Judas’s betraying him should so arouse their animosity that they would offer resistance to the soldiers and would be taken into custody with him. He feared that, if they should be arrested with him, they might also perish with him.
2015 183:0.3 Da Mesteren ikke formået at sprede sine tilhængere, forlod han dem og gik ned mod olivenpressen i nærheden af indgangen til Getsemaneparken. Selvom de tre apostle, grækerne, og andre, der boede i lejren tøvede med straks at følge ham, skyndte Johannes Markus sig rundt gennem oliventræerne og gemte sig i et lille skur i nærheden af olivenpressen[1]. Jesus trak sig ud af lejren og fra sine venner, så de som kom, kunne anholde ham uden at forstyrre hans apostle. Mesteren var bange for, at hvis apostlene var vågne og på plads, når han blev arresteret, kunne synet af at blive forrådt af Judas vække deres fjendskab, at de ville gøre modstand mod soldaterne og ville blive sat i fængsel sammen med ham. Han frygtede, at hvis de blev arresteret sammen med ham, kunne de også omkomme med ham.
1955 183:0.4 Though Jesus knew that the plan for his death had its origin in the councils of the rulers of the Jews, he was also aware that all such nefarious schemes had the full approval of Lucifer, Satan, and Caligastia. And he well knew that these rebels of the realms would also be pleased to see all of the apostles destroyed with him.
2015 183:0.4 Selvom Jesus vidste, at planen om at dræbe ham havde sin oprindelse i de jødiske herskers råd, var han også klar over, at alle disse forbryderiske rænkespil havde fuld godkendelse af Lucifer, Satan, og Caligastia[2]. Han vidste godt, at disse oprørere i verden også ville blive glade for at se, at alle apostlene blev ødelagt sammen med ham.
1955 183:0.5 Jesus sat down, alone, on the olive press, where he awaited the coming of the betrayer, and he was seen at this time only by John Mark and an innumerable host of celestial observers.
2015 183:0.5 Jesus satte sig ned alene på olivenpressen, hvor han ventede forræderens ankomst, og han blev kun set på det tidspunkt af Johannes Markus og en utallig skare af himmelske observatører.
1955 183:1.1 There is great danger of misunderstanding the meaning of numerous sayings and many events associated with the termination of the Master’s career in the flesh. The cruel treatment of Jesus by the ignorant servants and the calloused soldiers, the unfair conduct of his trials, and the unfeeling attitude of the professed religious leaders, must not be confused with the fact that Jesus, in patiently submitting to all this suffering and humiliation, was truly doing the will of the Father in Paradise. It was, indeed and in truth, the will of the Father that his Son should drink to the full the cup of mortal experience, from birth to death, but the Father in heaven had nothing whatever to do with instigating the barbarous behavior of those supposedly civilized human beings who so brutally tortured the Master and so horribly heaped successive indignities upon his nonresisting person. These inhuman and shocking experiences which Jesus was called upon to endure in the final hours of his mortal life were not in any sense a part of the divine will of the Father, which his human nature had so triumphantly pledged to carry out at the time of the final surrender of man to God as signified in the threefold prayer which he indited in the garden while his weary apostles slept the sleep of physical exhaustion.
2015 183:1.1 Der er en stor fare for misforståelse vedrørende betydningen af de talrige udsagn og mange hændelser i forbindelse med afslutningen af Mesterens livsforløb i kødet. Den grusomme behandling, som de uvidende tjenere og hårdhudede soldater udsatte Jesus for, den uretfærdige gennemførelse af rettergangen mod ham og den afstumpede holdning hos dem, der hævdede at være religiøse ledere bør ikke forveksles med, at Jesus, da han tålmodigt underkastede sig alle disse lidelser og alt denne ydmygelse, oprigtigt fulgte Paradisfaderens vilje[3]. Det var virkelig og i sandhed Faderens vilje, at hans søn skulle tømme de dødeliges erfaringsbæger i sin helhed, fra fødsel til død, men Faderen i himlen havde intet som helst at gøre med anstiftelsen af den barbariske opførsel af disse angiveligt civiliserede mennesker, der så brutalt torturerede Mesteren og så forfærdelig overøste hans person, der slet ikke gjorde modstand, med den ene uværdighed efter den anden. Disse umenneskelige og chokerende erfaringer, som Jesus udholdt i løbet af de sidste timer af sit jordiske liv var på ingen måde en del af Faderens guddommelige vilje, hvilken Jesu menneskelige natur så sejrrigt havde lovet at udføre når mennesket i ham endelig gav sig selv for Gud, som udtrykt i den trefoldige bøn, som han fremførte i haven, mens hans trætte apostle sov den fysisk udmattelsens søvn.
1955 183:1.2 The Father in heaven desired the bestowal Son to finish his earth career naturally, just as all mortals must finish up their lives on earth and in the flesh. Ordinary men and women cannot expect to have their last hours on earth and the supervening episode of death made easy by a special dispensation. Accordingly, Jesus elected to lay down his life in the flesh in the manner which was in keeping with the outworking of natural events, and he steadfastly refused to extricate himself from the cruel clutches of a wicked conspiracy of inhuman events which swept on with horrible certainty toward his unbelievable humiliation and ignominious death. And every bit of all this astounding manifestation of hatred and this unprecedented demonstration of cruelty was the work of evil men and wicked mortals. God in heaven did not will it, neither did the archenemies of Jesus dictate it, though they did much to insure that unthinking and evil mortals would thus reject the bestowal Son. Even the father of sin turned his face away from the excruciating horror of the scene of the crucifixion.
2015 183:1.2 Faderen i himlen ønskede, at hans overdragelsens Søn skulle afslutte sit jordiske livsforløb naturligt, ligesom alle dødelige i kødet skal ende deres liv på jorden. Almindelige mænd og kvinder kan ikke forvente, at deres sidste timer på jorden og den indtrædende dødsepisode vil blive lettet ved en særlig dispensation. Derfor valgte Jesus at nedlægge sit liv i kødet på den måde, som var i overensstemmelse med det naturlige forløb af begivenheder, og han nægtede standhaftigt at frigøre sig fra det grusomme greb fra en skummel sammensværgelse af umenneskelige begivenheder som med forfærdelig sikkerhed fejede frem mod hans utrolige ydmygelse og modbydelige død. Hver en del i hele denne forbløffende manifestation af had og hidtil uset demonstration af grusomhed var onde menneskers og onde dødeliges arbejde. Gud i himlen udtrykte ikke sin vilje til det, og det var heller ikke dikteret af Jesu ærkefjender, selvom de gjorde meget for at sikre, at tankeløse og onde dødelige på denne måde ville afvise overdragelsens Søn. Til og med ham, som er syndens far vendte ansigtet bort fra den ulidelige rædsel, som udspillede sig på korsfæstelsesscenen.
1955 183:2.1 After Judas so abruptly left the table while eating the Last Supper, he went directly to the home of his cousin, and then did the two go straight to the captain of the temple guards. Judas requested the captain to assemble the guards and informed him that he was ready to lead them to Jesus. Judas having appeared on the scene a little before he was expected, there was some delay in getting started for the Mark home, where Judas expected to find Jesus still visiting with the apostles. The Master and the eleven left the home of Elijah Mark fully fifteen minutes before the betrayer and the guards arrived. By the time the apprehenders reached the Mark home, Jesus and the eleven were well outside the walls of the city and on their way to the Olivet camp.
2015 183:2.1 Efter at Judas så pludselig forlod bordet under den Sidste Nadver, gik han direkte hjem til sin fætter, og så gik de begge direkte til tempelvagternes kaptajn. Judas bad kaptajnen samle vagterne og fortalte ham, at han var parat til at føre dem til Jesus. Da Judas ankom til pladsen lidt tidligere end forventet, tog det noget tid, før de kom på vej til familien Markus hjem, hvor Judas forventede at finde Jesus stadig i selskab med apostlene. Mesteren og de elleve apostle gik fra Elijah Markus hele femten minutter før forræderen og vagterne ankom. Da dem som ville anholde ham ankom til familien Markus hjem, var Jesus og de elleve apostle allerede godt uden for bymurene og på vej til lejren ved Oliebjerget.
1955 183:2.2 Judas was much perturbed by this failure to find Jesus at the Mark residence and in the company of eleven men, only two of whom were armed for resistance. He happened to know that, in the afternoon when they had left camp, only Simon Peter and Simon Zelotes were girded with swords; Judas had hoped to take Jesus when the city was quiet, and when there was little chance of resistance. The betrayer feared that, if he waited for them to return to their camp, more than threescore of devoted disciples would be encountered, and he also knew that Simon Zelotes had an ample store of arms in his possession. Judas was becoming increasingly nervous as he meditated how the eleven loyal apostles would detest him, and he feared they would all seek to destroy him. He was not only disloyal, but he was a real coward at heart.
2015 183:2.2 Judas blev meget bekymret over hans manglende evne til at finde Jesus i familien Marks hus sammen med elleve mænd, hvoraf kun to var bevæbnet for at gøre modstand. Han var bekendt med, at kun Simon Peter og Simon Zelotes var udstyret med sværd, da de forlod lejren om eftermiddagen. Judas havde håbet at få Jesus anholdt, når der var stille i byen, og chancen for modstand var lille. Forræderen var bange for, at hvis han ventede indtil de vendte tilbage til lejren, ville de støde på lidt over tres hengivne disciple, og han vidste også, at Simon Zelotes havde et fuldt tilstrækkelig lager af våben i sin besiddelse. Judas blev mere og mere nervøs, da han overvejede, hvordan de elleve trofaste apostle ville hade ham, og han var bange for, at de ville forsøge at dræbe ham. Han var ikke kun illoyal, men også en reel kujon i hjertet.
1955 183:2.3 When they failed to find Jesus in the upper chamber, Judas asked the captain of the guard to return to the temple. By this time the rulers had begun to assemble at the high priest’s home preparatory to receiving Jesus, seeing that their bargain with the traitor called for Jesus’ arrest by midnight of that day. Judas explained to his associates that they had missed Jesus at the Mark home, and that it would be necessary to go to Gethsemane to arrest him. The betrayer then went on to state that more than threescore devoted followers were encamped with him, and that they were all well armed. The rulers of the Jews reminded Judas that Jesus had always preached nonresistance, but Judas replied that they could not depend upon all Jesus’ followers obeying such teaching. He really feared for himself and therefore made bold to ask for a company of forty armed soldiers. Since the Jewish authorities had no such force of armed men under their jurisdiction, they went at once to the fortress of Antonia and requested the Roman commander to give them this guard; but when he learned that they intended to arrest Jesus, he promptly refused to accede to their request and referred them to his superior officer. In this way more than an hour was consumed in going from one authority to another until they finally were compelled to go to Pilate himself in order to obtain permission to employ the armed Roman guards. It was late when they arrived at Pilate’s house, and he had retired to his private chambers with his wife. He hesitated to have anything to do with the enterprise, all the more so since his wife had asked him not to grant the request. But inasmuch as the presiding officer of the Jewish Sanhedrin was present and making personal request for this assistance, the governor thought it wise to grant the petition, thinking he could later on right any wrong they might be disposed to commit.
2015 183:2.3 Da de ikke fandt Jesus i det øverste rum bad Judas vagtkaptajnen om at vende tilbage til templet. På dette tidspunkt begyndte herskerne at samles i ypperstepræstens hjem i forberedelse til at modtage Jesus, som deres aftale med forræderen forudsatte, at Jesus blev anholdt før midnat den dag. Judas forklarede sine medarbejdere, at Jesus ikke længere opholdt sig i familien Markus hus, og at det var nødvendigt at gå til Getsemane for at arrestere ham[4]. Forræderen fortsatte derefter med at sige, at lidt over tres hengivne disciple var i lejren med Jesus, og de alle var godt bevæbnet. Jødernes herskere mindede Judas om at Jesus altid havde prædiket ikke-vold, men Judas svarede, at de ikke kunne påberåbe sig, at alle tilhængere af Jesus fulgte doktrinen. Han var virkelig bange for sit eget liv, og derfor vovede han at bede om et følge af fyrre bevæbnede soldater. Da de jødiske myndigheder ikke havde så stor en styrke af bevæbnede mænd under deres kommando, gik de straks til fæstningen Antonia og anmodede den romerske kommandant til at give dem denne vagtstyrke, men da han erfarede, at de agtede at arrestere Jesus, nægtede han straks at acceptere deres anmodning og henviste dem til sin overordnede officer. Således blev mere en times tid anvendt, med at gå fra den ene myndighed til den anden, indtil de endelig blev tvunget til at gå til Pilatus selv for at få tilladelse til at bruge romerske vagtsoldater. Det var sent, da de ankom til Pilatus hus, og han havde trukket sig tilbage til sit eget værelse med sin kone. Han tøvede med at have nogen kontakt med dette foretagende, især da hans kone bad ham om ikke at imødekomme anmodningen. Men da den førende tjenestemand ved jødernes råd var til stede og personligt anmodede om denne hjælp, fandt guvernøren det klogt at bevilge det andragende, og tænkte at han senere kunne rette noget forkert som de kunne tænkes at begå.
1955 183:2.4 Accordingly, when Judas Iscariot started out from the temple, about half after eleven o’clock, he was accompanied by more than sixty persons—temple guards, Roman soldiers, and curious servants of the chief priests and rulers.
2015 183:2.4 Da Judas Iskariot ved halvtolvtiden, gik bort fra templet, blev han ledsaget af mere end tres personer - tempelvagter, romerske soldater og nysgerrige ansatte hos ypperstepræsterne og herskere.
1955 183:3.1 As this company of armed soldiers and guards, carrying torches and lanterns, approached the garden, Judas stepped well out in front of the band that he might be ready quickly to identify Jesus so that the apprehenders could easily lay hands on him before his associates could rally to his defense. And there was yet another reason why Judas chose to be ahead of the Master’s enemies: He thought it would appear that he had arrived on the scene ahead of the soldiers so that the apostles and others gathered about Jesus might not directly connect him with the armed guards following so closely upon his heels. Judas had even thought to pose as having hastened out to warn them of the coming of the apprehenders, but this plan was thwarted by Jesus’ blighting greeting of the betrayer. Though the Master spoke to Judas kindly, he greeted him as a traitor.
2015 183:3.1 Da dette følge af bevæbnede soldater og vagter, som bar fakler og lanterner, nærmede sig haven skyndte Judas sig et langt stykke foran truppen for at være klar til hurtigt at identificere Jesus så fangevogterne let kunne gribe ham før hans ledsagere kunne komme til hans forsvar[5]. Der var desuden en anden grund til, at Judas ville komme foran Mesterens fjender: Han troede det ville se ud, som om han var ankommet før soldaterne, så apostlene og andre som var samlet om Jesus måske ikke direkte ville forbinde ham med de bevæbnede vagter, der fulgte i hælene på ham. Judas havde endda selv tænkt at komme som den person, der havde skyndt sig for at advare dem om at anholdelsen var under opsejling, men planen blev forpurret gennem Jesus spolerende hilsen til forræderen. Selvom Mesteren venligt tiltalte Judas, hilste han ham som en forræder.
1955 183:3.2 As soon as Peter, James, and John, with some thirty of their fellow campers, saw the armed band with torches swing around the brow of the hill, they knew that these soldiers were coming to arrest Jesus, and they all rushed down to near the olive press where the Master was sitting in moonlit solitude. As the company of soldiers approached on one side, the three apostles and their associates approached on the other. As Judas strode forward to accost the Master, there the two groups stood, motionless, with the Master between them and Judas making ready to impress the traitorous kiss upon his brow.
2015 183:3.2 Så snart Peter, James og Johannes, og omkring tredive af deres kammerater i lejren så den væbnede styrke med fakler svinge omkring bakkekammen, vidste de, at soldaterne kom for at arrestere Jesus, og de styrtede alle ned til nær olivenpressen, hvor Mesteren sad alene i måneskin. Mens soldatertruppen nærmede sig fra den ene side, kom de tre apostle og deres brødre fra den anden side. Da Judas trådte frem for at tale til Mesteren stod de to grupper der, ubevægelig, med Mesteren mellem dem og Judas parat til at trykke det forræderiske kys på hans pande.
1955 183:3.3 It had been the hope of the betrayer that he could, after leading the guards to Gethsemane, simply point Jesus out to the soldiers, or at most carry out the promise to greet him with a kiss, and then quickly retire from the scene. Judas greatly feared that the apostles would all be present, and that they would concentrate their attack upon him in retribution for his daring to betray their beloved teacher. But when the Master greeted him as a betrayer, he was so confused that he made no attempt to flee.
2015 183:3.3 Det havde været forræderens håb, at han efter at have vist vagterne frem til Getsemane, blot kunne udpege Jesus til soldaterne, eller højst opfylde sit løfte om at hilse ham med et kys, og derefter hurtigt trække sig tilbage fra scenen[6]. Judas var meget bange for at alle apostlene ville være til stede, og at de ville koncentrere deres angreb på ham i hævn, fordi han havde vovet at forråde deres elskede lærer. Men da Mesteren hilste ham som en forræder, var han så forvirret, at han ikke gjorde noget forsøg på at undslippe.
1955 183:3.4 Jesus made one last effort to save Judas from actually betraying him in that, before the traitor could reach him, he stepped to one side and, addressing the foremost soldier on the left, the captain of the Romans, said, “Whom do you seek?” The captain answered, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Then Jesus stepped up immediately in front of the officer and, standing there in the calm majesty of the God of all this creation, said, “I am he.” Many of this armed band had heard Jesus teach in the temple, others had learned about his mighty works, and when they heard him thus boldly announce his identity, those in the front ranks fell suddenly backward. They were overcome with surprise at his calm and majestic announcement of identity. There was, therefore, no need for Judas to go on with his plan of betrayal. The Master had boldly revealed himself to his enemies, and they could have taken him without Judas’s assistance. But the traitor had to do something to account for his presence with this armed band, and besides, he wanted to make a show of carrying out his part of the betrayal bargain with the rulers of the Jews in order to be eligible for the great reward and honors which he believed would be heaped upon him in compensation for his promise to deliver Jesus into their hands.
2015 183:3.4 Jesus gjorde et sidste forsøg på at redde Judas fra håndgribeligt at forråde ham, da han inden forræderen nåede frem til ham trådte til side, vendte sig til den forreste soldat til venstre, den romerske kaptajn, og sagde: "Hvem søger du?" Kaptajnen svarede: "Jesus af Nazaret" Jesus stod op direkte foran officeren, stod der i den rolige majestæt som tilkommer hele skabelsens Gud og sagde: "Det er mig." Mange af denne bevæbnede trup havde hørt Jesus underviser i templet, andre havde hørt om hans mægtige gerninger, og da de hørte ham så stærkt tilkendegive sin identitet rykkede de som stod i de forreste rækker pludselig tilbage[7]. De blev overvældet af forbløffelse over hans rolige og majestætiske tilkendegivelse af sin identitet. Det var derfor ikke nødvendigt for Judas at gå videre i sit forræderi. Mesteren havde dristigt åbenbaret sig for sine fjender, og de kunne have taget ham uden Judas hjælp. Men forræderen måttet gøre noget, der forklarede hans tilstedeværelse blandt den bevæbnede trup, og desuden, ønskede han at vise, at han udførte sin del af aftalen med jødernes herskere om at forråde Jesus for at være berettiget til den store belønning og ære, som han troede, han ville blive overøst med som kompensation for sit løfte om at levere Jesus i deres hænder.
1955 183:3.5 As the guards rallied from their first faltering at the sight of Jesus and at the sound of his unusual voice, and as the apostles and disciples drew nearer, Judas stepped up to Jesus and, placing a kiss upon his brow, said, “Hail, Master and Teacher.” And as Judas thus embraced his Master, Jesus said, “Friend, is it not enough to do this! Would you even betray the Son of Man with a kiss?”
2015 183:3.5 Mens vagterne samlede sig efter først at have vaklet ved synet af Jesus og ved lyden af hans usædvanlige stemme, og mens apostlene og disciplene kom nærmere, trådte Judas frem til Jesus, placerede et kys på panden og sagde: "Vær hilset, Mester og Lærer." Og da Judas således omfavnede sin Mester, sagde Jesus: "Ven, har du ikke gjort nok! Skal du endda forråde Menneskesønnen med et kys? "[8]
1955 183:3.6 The apostles and disciples were literally stunned by what they saw. For a moment no one moved. Then Jesus, disengaging himself from the traitorous embrace of Judas, stepped up to the guards and soldiers and again asked, “Whom do you seek?” And again the captain said, “Jesus of Nazareth.” And again answered Jesus: “I have told you that I am he. If, therefore, you seek me, let these others go their way. I am ready to go with you.”
2015 183:3.6 Apostlene og disciplene blev bogstaveligt bedøvet af hvad de så. På et tidspunkt flyttede ingen sig. Da Jesus frigjorde sig fra Judas svigefulde omfavnelse, trådte frem til vagterne og soldaterne og spurgte igen, "Hvem søger I?" Igen svarede kaptajnen, "Jesus af Nazaret", og igen svarede Jesus "Jeg har fortalt dig, at det er mig. derfor, hvis du søger mig, lad disse andre gå deres vej. Jeg er klar til at gå med dig[9]."
1955 183:3.7 Jesus was ready to go back to Jerusalem with the guards, and the captain of the soldiers was altogether willing to allow the three apostles and their associates to go their way in peace. But before they were able to get started, as Jesus stood there awaiting the captain’s orders, one Malchus, the Syrian bodyguard of the high priest, stepped up to Jesus and made ready to bind his hands behind his back, although the Roman captain had not directed that Jesus should be thus bound. When Peter and his associates saw their Master being subjected to this indignity, they were no longer able to restrain themselves. Peter drew his sword and with the others rushed forward to smite Malchus. But before the soldiers could come to the defense of the high priest’s servant, Jesus raised a forbidding hand to Peter and, speaking sternly, said: “Peter, put up your sword. They who take the sword shall perish by the sword. Do you not understand that it is the Father’s will that I drink this cup? And do you not further know that I could even now command more than twelve legions of angels and their associates, who would deliver me from the hands of these few men?”
2015 183:3.7 Jesus var klar til at følge med tilbage til Jerusalem med vagterne, og kaptajnen og soldaterne var meget villige til at lade de tre apostle og deres kammerater gå deres vej i fred. Men før de kunne komme væk, og mens Jesus stod der afventende kaptajnens ordrer, gik en vis Malkos, den syriske livvagt til ypperstepræsten, frem til Jesus for at binde hans hænder på ryggen, selv om den romerske kaptajn ikke havde givet ordre om at Jesus på denne måde skulle bindes[10]. Da Peter og hans medarbejdere så deres Mester blive udsat for denne overtrædelse, kunne de ikke længere holde sig tilbage. Peter trak sit sværd og løb sammen med de andre frem for at slå Malkos til jorden. Men før soldaterne kunne komme til ypperstepræstens tjeners forsvar, hævede Jesus en afskrækkende hånd til Peter og sagde strengt: "Peter, sæt dit sværd tilbage. De, der griber til sværd vil omkomme ved sværdet[11]. Forstår I ikke, at det er Faderens vilje, at jeg tømme dette bæger? Og desuden ved du ikke, at jeg selv nu kunne tage kommandoen over mere end tolv legioner engle og deres medarbejdere, der kunne befri mig fra hænderne af disse få mænd?"[12][13]
1955 183:3.8 While Jesus thus effectively put a stop to this show of physical resistance by his followers, it was enough to arouse the fear of the captain of the guards, who now, with the help of his soldiers, laid heavy hands on Jesus and quickly bound him. And as they tied his hands with heavy cords, Jesus said to them: “Why do you come out against me with swords and with staves as if to seize a robber? I was daily with you in the temple, publicly teaching the people, and you made no effort to take me.”
2015 183:3.8 Selvom Jesus således effektivt satte en stopper for den fysiske modstand af sine tilhængere, var det nok til at vække frygten hos vagtkaptajnen, som nu med soldaternes hjælp lagde tunge hænder på Jesus og hastigt bandt ham. Da de bandt hans hænder med tykke reb, sagde Jesus til dem: "Hvorfor kommer du til mig med sværd og køller, som for at gribe en røver? Daglig var jeg hos jer i templet, offentligt undervisende folket, og I gjorde intet forsøg på at arrestere mig der[14][15]."
1955 183:3.9 When Jesus had been bound, the captain, fearing that the followers of the Master might attempt to rescue him, gave orders that they be seized; but the soldiers were not quick enough since, having overheard the captain’s orders to arrest them, Jesus’ followers fled in haste back into the ravine. All this time John Mark had remained secluded in the near-by shed. When the guards started back to Jerusalem with Jesus, John Mark attempted to steal out of the shed in order to catch up with the fleeing apostles and disciples; but just as he emerged, one of the last of the returning soldiers who had pursued the fleeing disciples was passing near and, seeing this young man in his linen coat, gave chase, almost overtaking him. In fact, the soldier got near enough to John to lay hold upon his coat, but the young man freed himself from the garment, escaping naked while the soldier held the empty coat. John Mark made his way in all haste to David Zebedee on the upper trail. When he had told David what had happened, they both hastened back to the tents of the sleeping apostles and informed all eight of the Master’s betrayal and arrest.
2015 183:3.9 Da Jesus var blevet bundet gav kaptajnen, der frygtede, at Mesterens efterfølgere kunne forsøge at redde ham, ordre om, at de skulle arresteres, men soldaterne var ikke hurtig nok, for da Jesu disciple hørte kaptajnen give ordre om at anholde dem, flygtede de hastigt tilbage i slugten[16]. Under hele denne tid havde Johannes Markus været gemt i det nærliggende skur. Da vagterne begyndte at gå tilbage til Jerusalem med Jesus, forsøgte Johannes Markus at snige sig ud af skuret for at indhente de flygtende apostle og disciple. Men netop som han kom ud passerede en af de sidste tilbagevendende soldater forbi, der havde forfulgt de flygtende disciple, og da han så den unge mand i hans linnedkappe, styrtede han efter ham og fik næsten fat i ham[17]. Faktisk kom soldaten så tæt på Johannes at han fik fat i hans kappe, men den unge mand befriet sig fra tøjet og flygtede nøgen mens soldaten stod der med den tomme kappe i hånden. Johannes Markus skyndte sig i hast hen til David Zebedæus på det øverste spor. Da han havde fortalt David hvad der var sket, skyndte de to sig tilbage til teltene med de sovende apostle og informerede alle otte af Mesteren var blevet forrådt og arresteret.
1955 183:3.10 At about the time the eight apostles were being awakened, those who had fled up the ravine were returning, and they all gathered together near the olive press to debate what should be done. In the meantime, Simon Peter and John Zebedee, who had hidden among the olive trees, had already gone on after the mob of soldiers, guards, and servants, who were now leading Jesus back to Jerusalem as they would have led a desperate criminal. John followed close behind the mob, but Peter followed afar off. After John Mark’s escape from the clutch of the soldier, he provided himself with a cloak which he found in the tent of Simon Peter and John Zebedee. He suspected the guards were going to take Jesus to the home of Annas, the high priest emeritus; so he skirted around through the olive orchards and was there ahead of the mob, hiding near the entrance to the gate of the high priest’s palace.
2015 183:3.10 Omkring det tidspunkt da de otte apostle blev vækket, var de som flygtede op i slugten ved at vende tilbage, og de samledes alle nær olivenpressen for at drøfte, hvad der skulle gøres. I mellemtiden, havde Simon Peter og Johannes Zebedæus, som havde skjult sig blandt oliventræer, allerede gået videre ad vejen efter pøbel af soldater, vagter og tjenere, som nu førte Jesus tilbage til Jerusalem, som de ville have ført en desperat kriminel. Johannes fulgt tæt efter pøbelen, men Peter kom langt bagefter[18][19]. Efter at Johannes Markus var kommet fri fra soldatens greb, forsynede han sig med en kappe, som han fandt i Simon Peter og Johannes Zebedæus telt[20]. Han havde mistanke om, at vagterne ville tage Jesus til ypperstepræsten emeritus Hanna hjem. Han løb derfor en omvej gennem olivenlunden, var fremme foran før pøbelen, og gemte sig i nærheden af indgangen ved porten til ypperstepræstens palads.
1955 183:4.1 James Zebedee found himself separated from Simon Peter and his brother John, and so he now joined the other apostles and their fellow campers at the olive press to deliberate on what should be done in view of the Master’s arrest.
2015 183:4.1 James Zebedæus befandt sig adskilt fra Simon Peter og hans bror Johannes, og derfor sluttede han sig nu til de andre apostle ved olivenpressen og deres camperende venner fra lejren for at drøfte, hvad der skal gøres i betragtning af Mesterens anholdelse.
1955 183:4.2 Andrew had been released from all responsibility in the group management of his fellow apostles; accordingly, in this greatest of all crises in their lives, he was silent. After a short informal discussion, Simon Zelotes stood up on the stone wall of the olive press and, making an impassioned plea for loyalty to the Master and the cause of the kingdom, exhorted his fellow apostles and the other disciples to hasten on after the mob and effect the rescue of Jesus. The majority of the company would have been disposed to follow his aggressive leadership had it not been for the advice of Nathaniel, who stood up the moment Simon had finished speaking and called their attention to Jesus’ oft-repeated teachings regarding nonresistance. He further reminded them that Jesus had that very night instructed them that they should preserve their lives for the time when they should go forth into the world proclaiming the good news of the gospel of the heavenly kingdom. And Nathaniel was encouraged in this stand by James Zebedee, who now told how Peter and others drew their swords to defend the Master against arrest, and that Jesus bade Simon Peter and his fellow swordsmen sheathe their blades. Matthew and Philip also made speeches, but nothing definite came of this discussion until Thomas, calling their attention to the fact that Jesus had counseled Lazarus against exposing himself to death, pointed out that they could do nothing to save their Master inasmuch as he refused to allow his friends to defend him, and since he persisted in refraining from the use of his divine powers to frustrate his human enemies. Thomas persuaded them to scatter, every man for himself, with the understanding that David Zebedee would remain at the camp to maintain a clearinghouse and messenger headquarters for the group. By half past two o’clock that morning the camp was deserted; only David remained on hand with three or four messengers, the others having been dispatched to secure information as to where Jesus had been taken, and what was going to be done with him.
2015 183:4.2 Andreas var blevet befriet fra alt ansvar for at handle som gruppeleder for sine medapostle, og i overensstemmelse hermed, holdt han sig tavs under den største krise i deres liv. Efter en kort uformel drøftelse, rejste Simon Zelotes sig op på stenmuren ved olivenpressen, fremførte en lidenskabelig bøn om loyalitet over for Mesteren og rigets sag samt opfordrede sine medapostle og de andre disciple til at løbe efter mængden og befri Jesus. Størstedelen af selskabet ville være parat til at følge hans aggressive ledelse om ikke Nataniel havde rejst sig i det øjeblik Simon tav og henledte deres opmærksomhed på de råd som Jesu så ofte havde gentaget om ikke-modstand. Han mindede dem også om, at Jesus samme aften, havde pålagt dem at redde deres liv til det tidspunkt, hvor de ville gå ud i verden for at forkynde den gode nyhed om det himmelske rigets evangelium. Nataniel blev støttet i sin udtalelse af James Zebedæus, som nu fortalte, hvordan Peter og andre havde trukket deres sværd for at forhindre anholdelsen af Mesteren, og at Jesus havde bedt Simon Peter og de andre mænd med sværd om at sætte deres sværd tilbage i skeden. Mattæus og Filip talte også, men diskussionen førte ikke til noget endeligt indtil Thomas, som henledte deres opmærksomhed på, at Jesus havde givet Lazarus rådet om ikke at sætte sit liv i fare, påpegede, at de ingenting kunne gøre for at redde Mesteren, fordi han nægtede at lade sine venner forsvare ham og da han insistere på ikke at bruge sine guddommelige kræfter til at stoppe sine menneskelige fjender. Thomas overtalte dem til at spredes, hver mand for sig selv, under forudsætning af at David Zebedæus ville forblive i lejren for at opretholde et sted for informationsudveksling og et budbringer hovedkvarter for gruppen. Ved halvtretiden den morgen var lejren øde. Kun David stod tilbage med tre eller fire budbringere, efter at de andre var blevet sendt ud for at indhente oplysninger om, hvor Jesus var ført hen, og hvad de agtede at gøre med ham.
1955 183:4.3 Five of the apostles, Nathaniel, Matthew, Philip, and the twins, went into hiding at Bethpage and Bethany. Thomas, Andrew, James, and Simon Zelotes were hiding in the city. Simon Peter and John Zebedee followed along to the home of Annas.
2015 183:4.3 Fem af apostlene, nemlig Nataniel, Mattæus, Filip, og tvillingerne gemte sig i Betfage og Betania. Thomas, Andreas, James og Simon Zelotes gemte sig i byen. Simon Peter og Johannes Zebedæus fulgte efter til Hannas hus.
1955 183:4.4 Shortly after daybreak, Simon Peter wandered back to the Gethsemane camp, a dejected picture of deep despair. David sent him in charge of a messenger to join his brother, Andrew, who was at the home of Nicodemus in Jerusalem.
2015 183:4.4 Kort efter daggry, vandrede Simon Peter, modløs og dybt fortvivlet, tilbage til lejren ved Getsemane. David sendte ham sammen med en budbringer til sin bror, Andreas, der var hjemme hos Nikodemus i Jerusalem.
1955 183:4.5 Until the very end of the crucifixion, John Zebedee remained, as Jesus had directed him, always near at hand, and it was he who supplied David’s messengers with information from hour to hour which they carried to David at the garden camp, and which was then relayed to the hiding apostles and to Jesus’ family.
2015 183:4.5 Under hele den tid, Jesus hang på korset forblev Johannes Zebedæus, som Jesus havde sagt til ham, hele tiden i hans nærvær, og det var Johannes, der fra time til time leverede Davids sendebud med oplysninger, som de bragte til David i lejren i haven og derefter blev videregivet til apostlene i deres skjulesteder og til Jesu familie.
1955 183:4.7 It was shortly after daylight and just after Peter had been sent to join his brother, that Jude, Jesus’ brother in the flesh, arrived in the camp, almost breathless and in advance of the rest of Jesus’ family, only to learn that the Master had already been placed under arrest; and he hastened back down the Jericho road to carry this information to his mother and to his brothers and sisters. David Zebedee sent word to Jesus’ family, by Jude, to forgather at the house of Martha and Mary in Bethany and there await news which his messengers would regularly bring them.
2015 183:4.7 Det var kort efter daggry, og lige efter at Peter var blevet sendt for at slutte sig til sin bror at Juda, Jesus kødelige bror, ankom ganske forpustet til lejren og forud for resten af Jesu familie, kun for at erfare at Mesteren allerede var blevet arresteret og han skyndte sig tilbage ned ad Jerikovejen med disse oplysninger til sin mor, sine brødre og søstre. David Zebedæus sendte bud til Juda til Jesu familie, at de ville samles i Martas og Marias hus i Betania, og der afvente de nyheden som hans budbringere regelmæssigt ville give dem.
1955 183:4.8 This was the situation during the last half of Thursday night and the early morning hours of Friday as regards the apostles, the chief disciples, and the earthly family of Jesus. And all these groups and individuals were kept in touch with each other by the messenger service which David Zebedee continued to operate from his headquarters at the Gethsemane camp.
2015 183:4.8 Sådan var situationen i den sidste halvdel af torsdag nat og fredagens tidlige morgentimer med hensyn til apostlene, de vigtigste disciple og Jesus familie på jorden. Alle disse grupper og enkeltpersoner blev holdt i kontakt med hinanden gennem budbringertjenesten, som David Zebedæus fortsatte med at lede fra sit hovedkvarter i lejren ved Getsemane.
1955 183:5.1 Before they started away from the garden with Jesus, a dispute arose between the Jewish captain of the temple guards and the Roman captain of the company of soldiers as to where they were to take Jesus. The captain of the temple guards gave orders that he should be taken to Caiaphas, the acting high priest. The captain of the Roman soldiers directed that Jesus be taken to the palace of Annas, the former high priest and father-in-law of Caiaphas. And this he did because the Romans were in the habit of dealing directly with Annas in all matters having to do with the enforcement of the Jewish ecclesiastical laws. And the orders of the Roman captain were obeyed; they took Jesus to the home of Annas for his preliminary examination.
2015 183:5.1 Før soldaterne forlod haven med Jesus opstod en tvist mellem tempelvagternes jødiske kaptajn og soldaterkompagniets romerske kaptajn om hvor de skulle bringe Jesus. Tempelvagternes kaptajn gav ordre til, at han skulle bringes til Kajfas, som var den fungerende ypperstepræst. De romerske soldaters kaptajn beordrede, at han skulle bringes til Hannas, den tidligere ypperstepræst Kajfas svigerfar, i dennes palads. Dette gjorde han, fordi romerne havde for vane at behandle alle sager, der involverede håndhævelsen af de jødiske religiøse love direkte med Hannas. Den romerske kaptajns ordre blev adlydt; de bragte Jesus til Hannas for et forberedende retsmøde[22].
1955 183:5.2 Judas marched along near the captains, overhearing all that was said, but took no part in the dispute, for neither the Jewish captain nor the Roman officer would so much as speak to the betrayer—they held him in such contempt.
2015 183:5.2 Judas marcherede i nærheden af kaptajnerne og hørte alt, hvad der blev sagt, men han deltog ikke i skænderiet, for hverken den jødiske kaptajn eller den romerske officer ønskede at sige selv et ord til forræderen - i det omfang foragtede de ham.
1955 183:5.3 About this time John Zebedee, remembering his Master’s instructions to remain always near at hand, hurried up near Jesus as he marched along between the two captains. The commander of the temple guards, seeing John come up alongside, said to his assistant: “Take this man and bind him. He is one of this fellow’s followers.” But when the Roman captain heard this and, looking around, saw John, he gave orders that the apostle should come over by him, and that no man should molest him. Then the Roman captain said to the Jewish captain: “This man is neither a traitor nor a coward. I saw him in the garden, and he did not draw a sword to resist us. He has the courage to come forward to be with his Master, and no man shall lay hands on him. The Roman law allows that any prisoner may have at least one friend to stand with him before the judgment bar, and this man shall not be prevented from standing by the side of his Master, the prisoner.” And when Judas heard this, he was so ashamed and humiliated that he dropped back behind the marchers, coming up to the palace of Annas alone.
2015 183:5.3 Omkring dette tidspunkt skyndte Johannes Zebedæus, som huskede Mesterens vejledning, om at han altid skulle holde sig lige ved hånden, op tæt på Jesus, hvor han marcherede mellem de to kaptajner. Da tempelvagternes øverstbefalende så Johannes kommer op ved siden af dem, sagde han til sin assistent: "Tag denne mand og bind ham. Han er en af tilhængerne af denne mand." Men da den romerske kaptajn hørte dette, kiggede rundt og så Johannes, gav han ordre til, at apostlen skulle komme over til hans side, og at ingen skulle forulempe ham. Så sagde den romerske kaptajn til den jødiske kaptajn: "Denne mand er hverken en forræder eller en kujon. Jeg så ham i haven, og han træk ikke sværdet mod os. Han er modig nok til at komme frem for at være sammen med sin Mester, og ingen skal lægge hænderne på ham. Den romerske lov tillader hver fange ret til at have mindst én ven med ham foran dommerskranken, og denne mand må ikke forhindres i at stå ved siden af sin mester, fangen." Da Judas hørte dette, blev han så skamfuld og ydmyget, at han sakkede efter de andre og kom alene til Hannas palads.
1955 183:5.4 And this explains why John Zebedee was permitted to remain near Jesus all the way through his trying experiences this night and the next day. The Jews feared to say aught to John or to molest him in any way because he had something of the status of a Roman counselor designated to act as observer of the transactions of the Jewish ecclesiastical court. John’s position of privilege was made all the more secure when, in turning Jesus over to the captain of the temple guards at the gate of Annas’s palace, the Roman, addressing his assistant, said: “Go along with this prisoner and see that these Jews do not kill him without Pilate’s consent. Watch that they do not assassinate him, and see that his friend, the Galilean, is permitted to stand by and observe all that goes on.” And thus was John able to be near Jesus right on up to the time of his death on the cross, though the other ten apostles were compelled to remain in hiding. John was acting under Roman protection, and the Jews dared not molest him until after the Master’s death.
2015 183:5.4 Dette forklarer, hvorfor Johannes Zebedæus fik lov til at forblive tæt på Jesus under alle hans prøvende oplevelser, den nat og den næste dag[23]. Jøderne var bange for at sige noget til ham eller på nogen måde forulempe ham, fordi han havde fået noget af status som en romersk rådgiver udpeget til at fungere som observatør af sagen ved jødernes domstol for religiøse anliggender. Johannes privilegerede position blev yderligere styrket, da romeren, da han overlod Jesus til tempelvagternes kaptajn ved porten til Annas palads, vendte sig til sin hjælper og sagde: "Gå sammen med fangen og sørg for, at jøderne ikke dræber ham uden tilladelse fra Pilatus. Iagttag, at de ikke snigmyrder ham og sørg for at hans ven fra Galilæa får lov til at deltage og observere alt hvad der sker." Dette gjorde det muligt for Johannes at være i nærheden af Jesus helt op til tidspunktet for hans død på korset, selvom de andre ti apostle var tvunget til at forblive i skjult. Johannes fungerede under romersk beskyttelse, og jøderne turde ikke forulempe ham før efter Mesterens død.
1955 183:5.5 And all the way to the palace of Annas, Jesus opened not his mouth. From the time of his arrest to the time of his appearance before Annas, the Son of Man spoke no word.