The accusation that enfeebled specimens would soon perish was typical of the difficulties faced by Philip when confronted by skeptics of their message. [1] Lao-tse's teaching of nonresistance influenced the pacifism of the Chinese people. [2]
True religion opposes violence and promotes nonviolence as the proper attitude, advocating for peaceful evolution over violent revolution in society's adaptation to new economic and cultural conditions, while staying away from direct involvement in political and economic matters. [3]
Understanding the Master's teaching of nonresistance requires perceiving the living flexibility and cosmic adaptability of divine truth to each individual son of God, and embracing the aggressive pursuit of righteous spirit values while rejecting selfish reactions to the universe. [4]
Jesus taught to conquer through sacrifice of pride and selfishness, showing mercy for spiritual deliverance from anger and revenge, and to resist not injury to personal dignity. [5]
The peaceful violet race's retention of Edenic traditions led to their delay in territorial conquests and the unique approach of sending out teachers instead of making war, ultimately influencing surrounding peoples biologically and culturally. [6]
Jesus approved the use of force to protect the majority from unfair and enslaving practices of unjust minorities. [7] He resisted what was inimical to his children with unwavering patience and courage, never succumbing to anger towards the sinner. [8] Jesus demonstrated nonresistance by restraining the madman's attack in Crete, leaving Ganid with a lasting desire to change the caste system in India. [9] In self-defense, Jesus would fully resist an attacker without moral judgment, but he would not initiate violence against a fellow son of God. [10]
Despite not being a family rule, James and Simon successfully followed Jesus' teachings of nonresistance in dealing with their playmates, while Joseph and Jude struggled to resist the urge to defend themselves when attacked, especially Jude who frequently failed to uphold these teachings. [11]
Jesus' goodness destroys evil, offering eternal and loving salvation that wins men over to righteousness, as his love awakens a contagious and eternally creative response in the human heart. [12]
In the face of crisis, Andrew remained silent, influenced by Jesus' oft-repeated teaching on nonresistance, while others debated how to rescue their master. [13]
Jesus rejected negative or passive nonresistance, teaching his followers to react positively and aggressively to every life situation in order to overcome evil with good. [14] He refused to defend himself in the face of injustice and abuse, relying on his friend Jacob to protect him from physical harm. [15] Understanding the golden rule and nonresistance requires living them out, embodying their true essence through the guidance of the Spirit of Truth. [16]