The number of these beings in a superuniverse is unbelievable. There are almost 1,000,000 in Satania alone, and the usual quota is 100 for each inhabited world. [1]
The physical controllers arranged what was necessary so that the apostles could see the transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Hermon. [2]
The controllers and transformers of planetary assignment are also able to collaborate with angels and other orders of celestial beings in rendering Planetary Princes visible to humans. [3]
Human eyes were enabled to see the morontia form of resurrected Jesus because of the special ministry of the transformers and the midwayers in association with certain of the morontia personalities then accompanying Jesus. [4] Angels do not have material bodies and are invisible to mortals humans to see seraphim but they can see us without the need of transformers. [5] Energy transformers allow beings like the revelators of The Urantia Book to see spiritual counterparts of material buildings and constructions. [6] The energy transformers and the Morontia Power Supervisors allow us a momentary glimpse of the finaliters on Jerusem. [7]
They can and do change the physical form of the energies of space. [8]
They are among the more personal orders of physical controllers, and except when an associate power director is present on an inhabited world, the transformers are in command. [9]
They are also skillful in their efforts to insulate the planets against the powerful energy streams passing between gigantic planetary and starry neighbors. [10] They are the planetary inspectors of all departing seraphic transports. [11]
These transformers are powerful and effective living switches, being able to dispose themselves for or against a given power disposition or directionization. [12] At one time they seem to consume or store energy; at other times they appear to exude or liberate energy. [13] They allowed to see the buildings where the creation of Urantia Papers take place for beings that are not able to see material reality. [14] The power transformers are responsibles for lighting system on Jerusem. [15]
They participated in the Jesus miracle of a massive healing at sundown. [16] Power transformers, midwayers, and all other required personalities turned water into wine in the unintended miracle from Jesus. [17]
The energy transformers are the conjoint creation of the Seven Supreme Power Directors and the Seven Centre Supervisors. [18] They appear in Uversa personality register. [19] They are semimaterial and somewhat personal. [20] They are one type of Master Physical Controller. [21]