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Cf: autotransport of Master Physical Controllers. [1] Does not function upon natural death. [2]
Loyal members of Prince’s staff transferred to Jerusem. [3] Material Sons enseraphimed for transport. [4] Melchizedek receivers arrived 70 days after Adam’s default by. [5] Melchizedeks use. [6] Mortals advance through mansion worlds by. [7] Primary seconaphim operate between Havona and superuniverses. [8] Prince’s staff brought to Urantia by. [9] Removes midsoniters after 1000 years. [10] Returned 3/4 of Adam’s children to Edentia. [11] Tertiary supernaphim take away candidates failing Deity adventure. [12] Until Paradise, ascenders must depend upon. [13]
Not necessary for achieved circuits in Havona. [14]
Administrator seraphim. [15] All angelic groups have. [16] Non-seraphic transporters. [17] Numerous types of beings similar to seraphim. [18] Planetary helper seraphim. [19] Superior seraphim. [20] Supervisor seraphim. [21]
Secret of Seraphington. [22]
All space traversers require assistance to overcome gravity when departing a sphere. [23] Celestial artisans are technical advisers to. [24] Combustion bodies cannot use. [25] Depart at midnight from universe energy pole of planet. [26] Factors affecting velocity. [27] Inspection before departure. [28] Majority of enseraphimed beings brought to Urantia merely stop over in transit. [29] Mechanical controllers and energy transmitters facilitate departure. [30] Mechanical devices provide energy for departure. [31] No danger of collision. [32] Sea of glass greatly facilitates landings. [33] Seraphim envelope nonmaterial orders within their spirit forms. [34] Take off at 175 miles/second from Mount Seraph on Jerusem. [35] Take on energy in transit. [36] Top speed is 558,840 miles per second. [37] Transform material beings into morontia-like state. [38] Transporters fully conscious of velocity, direction, and whereabouts. [39] Transporters may receive changed orders at space junctionsof intelligence circuits. [40] Travel along energy currents of universe circuits. [41]
Conscious unconscious state during which Adjuster is exceptionally efficient. [42] Induced by liaison of Adjusters and seraphic transporters. [43] Transportee not directly aware of passage of time. [44]
Trinity-origin beings independent of. [45]
See also: UB 39:5.10-15; UB 39:2.8-13; UB 39:3.9-8; UB 39:5.12-14.